Do you like how 7* are being released?

We have had months of new champs come in and the way 7* was released differently than 6* was introduced into the game, how are we still feeling about it? Are you happy about it? Do you want to see a faster push-out or even a slower turnout?
This isn't to sway Kabam or you to do things differently. If they shut this poll down, I get it.
Looking for honest thoughts. My opinion is that I am happy with the way 7* are being rolled out. I especially like that my 6* are still quite useful. My only downside is with 6* that has a 7* counterpart, I feel even more hesitant to rank 6* past a certain point when the 7* is already in the pool. Rank ups are starting to feel more selective. Although, this is probably how I felt when 6*s was first introduced into the game.
This isn't to sway Kabam or you to do things differently. If they shut this poll down, I get it.
Looking for honest thoughts. My opinion is that I am happy with the way 7* are being rolled out. I especially like that my 6* are still quite useful. My only downside is with 6* that has a 7* counterpart, I feel even more hesitant to rank 6* past a certain point when the 7* is already in the pool. Rank ups are starting to feel more selective. Although, this is probably how I felt when 6*s was first introduced into the game.
Do you like how 7* are being released? 19 votes
Yes, why?
13 votes
No, why?
4 votes
How do you rock and roll, when you've got so much soul?!
2 votes
6r5 was barely a thing before 7r2 and 7r3 came around. I would have preferred if Kabam has focused on releasing only second tier champs as 7* and leaving the champs people would anyways r5 as 6* only for now. Its continuously becoming a decision between ranking some of my fave champs to r4/r5 or to wait for thr 7* to drop from the basic crystal.