Member Posts: 3 ★
Hey everyone. Has anyone noticed that revives aren’t healing as much as they should be? In the past couple days, I’ve noticed being shorted in incursions revives (a 12,000 level 4 revive only healing 10,851), aq team revives (a 1,650 level 2 team revive only healing 1,492) and aq single revives (a 2,000 level 2 single revive only healing 1,809). Has this always been an issue? I just started noticing it, but now that it see it, it’s everywhere and I’m a little upset about it. I’ve got video for everything but the aq single and have submitted a ticket, but nothing has happened yet. Curious if I’m the only one!
If the forum search was better I’d find the other thread and link it. The OP in that one used 2 10k potions and only got healed 18kish.