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We apologize for the inconvenience.

So , This game is for paragon and valiant players



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    shield311shield311 Posts: 383 ★★
    PT_99 said:

    shield311 said:

    PT_99 said:

    Yes, try to reach Paragon before July4 also

    Your comment caught my attention @PT_99 any significance on why to do it before 4 July?
    July-4th have biggest unit and money deals.
    So even a f2p can take advantage if that player hoards units.
    interesting, thanks for the info, can you tell me the approx amount of units to hoard?
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    QueenMcocQueenMcoc Posts: 1,119 ★★★
    shield311 said:

    PT_99 said:

    shield311 said:

    PT_99 said:

    Yes, try to reach Paragon before July4 also

    Your comment caught my attention @PT_99 any significance on why to do it before 4 July?
    July-4th have biggest unit and money deals.
    So even a f2p can take advantage if that player hoards units.
    interesting, thanks for the info, can you tell me the approx amount of units to hoard?
    750 and above
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,486 ★★★★★
    Ok, I'll be that negetive toxic guy.

    Please put this amount of effort and time in learning important life skills and education.
    Idk what makes me belive but it feels like you are young and still in school.
    Online forums is not a place where you spit your tantrums.
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,063 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    I can't believe people are still struggling with Act 6, imagine being stuck there after so many nerfs... Yikes.


    Some of the quests are still tough, especially some of those bosses. Cap IW, Mordo, Mysterio, etc.
    There are loads of counters for all three of them nowadays, they're really not.
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    AadhyVanAadhyVan Posts: 62
    These are perks/upgrades which are progression based (like Cavalier, Thronebreaker, Paragon and Valiant). The higher the progression level, better the rewards. Hasn't that always been the case with MCOC?

    I mean, instead of complaining about other players who put in the work to progress are getting better rewards, you can push to Paragon or Valiant. Kabam has already lowered the energy refresh timer by half, which should get you more time to GET THINGS DONE and become more skilled.
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    CASrinivasCASrinivas Posts: 992 ★★★

    How do you think people become paragon and valiant?

    I think just after starting the game, You will be allotted a random Progression...I got Paragon right away! LOL 😆 🤣
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    GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Posts: 656 ★★★

    My mini, which i only play on some sundays, UC and close to cav, with only a few decent champs. Got the 4 x 6*s in last months SQ.

    If you're not tb/paragon after several years in the game, are you really playing?!?
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    shield311shield311 Posts: 383 ★★
    PT_99 said:

    shield311 said:

    PT_99 said:

    shield311 said:

    PT_99 said:

    Yes, try to reach Paragon before July4 also

    Your comment caught my attention @PT_99 any significance on why to do it before 4 July?
    July-4th have biggest unit and money deals.
    So even a f2p can take advantage if that player hoards units.
    interesting, thanks for the info, can you tell me the approx amount of units to hoard?
    You can't hoard enough.
    Sweet spot will be around 10-15k but reaching that is hard.
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,719 ★★★
    edited March 16
    Pretty much yes. (*Humble brags about how I am using the x magica 3 to 4 on ascended kingpin, getting me paragon at 6pm uk time on Monday, and how I am then going to get the 7 star loyalty crystal. All very humbly*)
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    Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Posts: 805 ★★★★
    I'm sorry... but um... to a degree you are right, but you are also wrong.

    Look at martial Arts.

    As you progress and get better and level up to the next belt... you are higher recognized, get to do more, etc.

    you don't give the lowest level a deadly weapon on his first lesson, it takes a lot of building up.

    That's not to say there aren't "martial arts tournaments for lower belts" in the game... however the real juice... is for the top level. Its going to have the best prizes, the most prestige, etc.

    The only difference really is... do you want to pay for grinding out all those lessons, and say pay $20/month to be able to log into the game, let along all the other entries (e.g. raids), or do you just want to make the top tournaments have a steep entry cost, but if you aren't interested in those... you don't have to do it.

    Some of the most fun end game players have in the game is "collecting 2 star trophy champions", and challenges that require us to take a 2 star guillotine Act 4.3.6, etc. Now some of them are out of control, like the starlord labyrinth challenge but the journey up to face the 6.2.6 champion... I consider a breath of fresh air, and really enjoyed taking that path to just "grab one revive" back when I could find them there as we were all looking for other locations to find them.

    Major League baseball is "built for the major leagues"... yes there is a farm system to work you way up... but 99% of fans only care about the major league, with some caring about their local farm team because it can be a fun night out. They may not like to hear it... but at the end of the day, not ever AA player makes it big in the major league, and eventually hit a ceiling. The difference with this game is... with a little time or a little money... you can get helped along with better champs, mechanics like relics, and sometimes, the nerfing of difficulty.
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,950 ★★★★★

    For people to say cav players dont need 7* or deserve 7* ive been playing the game for years im a cav player and got two 7* so stop talking bs anyone deserve a 7* champ if they have worked hard for it

    Worked hard for it?

    My cav alt has a 7* sandman because of the banquet event and I assure you, I didn't work hard for it...

    Cav players shouldn't be getting 7* champs, period.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,165 ★★★★★
    edited March 16
    Chobbly said:

    If you're a Cavalier, then the game feels like it's targeted for everyone else and you just get the leftovers as rewards that no one else wants or needs anymore. You see CCP videos of mass 7* options and feel sad.

    If you're a Thronebreaker, it feels like the game is targeted for Paragons and all the good stuff is just out of reach. BG feels so painful until maybe the final week. Your search for a 6* Hercules and Sig stones to rank him up is probably your primary goal.

    If you're a Paragon, it feels like you can't compete in BG anymore because everyone else has massive P2W accounts. Worse, you get stuffed over for the good rewards now and Valiants get all the stuff you need to progress your account.

    If you're Valiant, it feels like there's so little content left to do, high end AW and GC BG are where you spend most of your time and as for rewards everyone else is just complaining - you deserve your rewards.

    Have I left anything out?

    As THE Valaint I love stomping Cav scrubs in BG 🤤
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    Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Posts: 251 ★★
    There's more now for lower levels than ever before. Yes you have to progress thru story like everyone else to move up. Good news for you is it is way easier than it used to be.
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    NightheartNightheart Posts: 1,398 ★★★★
    Complete act 6 and act 7
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,500 ★★★★★
    I just realized something after reading the title...
    Why are Cavs saying this game is only for Paragon/Valiant and skipping TB all together.
    I would understand the argument if they were TB at least...
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    Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Posts: 248

    There's more now for lower levels than ever before. Yes you have to progress thru story like everyone else to move up. Good news for you is it is way easier than it used to be.

    as someone who took their sweet time getting to TB, and then to PG, cannot agree more. there are MORE opportunities than ever. it's just easy to make yourself sick looking at other people's rosters, without weighing the effort (in game, or out of pocket) they used to get there. envy'll make you sick if you let it suck the joy out of things.
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    Suros_moonSuros_moon Posts: 461 ★★★
    Mayavi said:

    I'm a cavalier Player who have low skill and low money , units . So stucked for months here.....the new loyalty store Update is beneficial to paragon players and valiant players...in my opinion below paragon players are fools playing this.......game.

    “I was a cavalier player for months!”

    The current valiant players were cavalier for longer than that bud. If you’re hardstuck Cav in 2024 then I am afraid that limitation is completely within your power to change. For free. And relatively quickly.
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    Suros_moonSuros_moon Posts: 461 ★★★
    Samanun said:

    Mayavi said:

    I'm a cavalier Player who have low skill and low money , units . So stucked for months here.....the new loyalty store Update is beneficial to paragon players and valiant players...in my opinion below paragon players are fools playing this.......game.

    You shouldn't even be getting 7* shards

    Hardstuck cav with access to 7 stars. Im one thread away from starting some boomer-esque “back in my day” comments
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    PriyabrataPriyabrata Posts: 1,134 ★★★★
    edited March 17
    I don't get how people get progression stuck.How is that even possible when there's already so many counters, revives are a thing and now even 4* champs are allowed in act 6, and Ascension exists how tf do you actually get STUCK? This is the biggest skill issue post I've ever seen. You're simply being lazy and complaining about it.
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    Bigfoot33Bigfoot33 Posts: 163 ★★
    Mayavi said:

    So a cav wants 7*?

    No at least 6* or 5*
    Once upon a time, it took F2P months to get enough shards to pop a 5*. Act 6 is about 70% easier, lower health and tons of options to get through the "tough" fights. Hell, didn't they open act 6 to 4-Star champs? I remember having to wait until I got hyperion or heimdall as a 5* to get through a boss wall in act 6. You must pay your dues to earn higher level champs. Or just pay.
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    FolkvangrFolkvangr Posts: 90
    Bigfoot33 said:

    Mayavi said:

    So a cav wants 7*?

    No at least 6* or 5*
    Once upon a time, it took F2P months to get enough shards to pop a 5*. Act 6 is about 70% easier, lower health and tons of options to get through the "tough" fights. Hell, didn't they open act 6 to 4-Star champs? I remember having to wait until I got hyperion or heimdall as a 5* to get through a boss wall in act 6. You must pay your dues to earn higher level champs. Or just pay.
    I had to beat sinister with a 5* Claire voyant without the fury, so with 90% damage reduction lol
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    OldManHopOldManHop Posts: 257 ★★★
    Act 6, even after nerfs, is a pretty big leap in difficulty from act 5. I understand the frustration, but you need to learn the deeper aspects of the game beyond just combat rotations.

    My suggestion? Go watch the guides from MCOC Encyclopedia on YouTube. His coverage of act 6 was invaluable for my progress. I followed him step by step from 6.1.1 to 6.3.3 and now I'm finishing 7.1 on my own with the knowledge I gained in the process, with Paragon on the horizon.

    Patience is the key to getting the best rewards. Just keep pushing... and maybe ask for help instead of venting about feeling left behind.

    Everyone was once where you are, and most people will gladly help you if you ask the right questions.
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