Can there be talks of a possible progression based solo events?

So todays forums post is for the reasoning of would it be possible to have there be a buff or change in the solo objectives? Like progression based as valiant should have another tier and paragon should have different stuff they get from tb etc. I know the way lvl up rewards etc are rn but what about the new progression title? Shouldn’t there be a different tier for those who worked hard or got to the next tier get thier rewards better? I know it would strive people to get the next title I know this may be controversial but it’s what the next progression needs am I right or wrong?
Same can be applied for solo events (tick button). Aw solo even and bg solo event can give loyalty and trophy tokens. 7h events can stay as it is no one will play it. 22 hr events are fine for gold iso solo crystal shards and units/l2 revive, they don't need a change as well.
Basically my idea is, just give generic resource items common for all progression levels instead of making stuff for each level.