Do you think buffed Gladiator will be on par with Hyperion?

Do you think buffed Gladiator will be on par with Hyperion? 91 votes
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22 votes
This inspired me to make this post
Despite what the vocal minority on here seems to think, the buff details seem to have been praised by a lot of the big time players in top 10 alliances.
Some of the SSx members who have made comments or videos regarding it are at the least going to r2 theirs or more, and can see really good things coming from the buff.
These people aren’t the best in the world at the game for shoddy advice.
The only reason I'm even considering Gladiator is cause he looks like he will be the best Red Skull counter in the game, really powerful defender atm but I still don't think any top player could make an argument for using him over the usual cosmic powerhouses in most matchups.
With that being said though he looks like he's going to be insane against champs with armor buffs and the two most annoying tech defenders in the game happen to have a ton of them sooo... Yeah that and also he looks like he's going to be deadly on defense too once he gets that pierce, you'll lose a ton of health from block damage so we'll see.