Battlegrounds loss 100% Health with 0 hits received
Just gone against a player called ”Bossulica”.
Won the first fight, seemed fine.
Second fight however,
Spider-man (stark) vs Redskull
I took 0 hits had full health, never hit his block an had him down to 99% health.
Sent in my relic to finish off his 1% and suddenly my health dropped to 0% and he won.
What’s this all about?
Same thing happened in the 3rd fight after, but I won it for getting his health down more.
Something fishy going on?
Won the first fight, seemed fine.
Second fight however,
Spider-man (stark) vs Redskull
I took 0 hits had full health, never hit his block an had him down to 99% health.
Sent in my relic to finish off his 1% and suddenly my health dropped to 0% and he won.
What’s this all about?
Same thing happened in the 3rd fight after, but I won it for getting his health down more.
Something fishy going on?
Surely 1 hit into a power burn block can’t do damage like that.
Was with a 15k cp Spidey and I think 30-35k cp redskull .
Assuming you're in the Victory Track, the node "Overwhelming Odds - 2" give defenders +25% attack per buff on them. If Red Skull had 10 armor ups, that's 250% extra attack. If he had one of those 10% fury buffs as well, you're up to around 300% extra attack. I don't know if his block damage would scale with that, but if it does, then an accidental hit into it would definitely hurt a lot.
I’m guessing the power burn just multiplied that much, it gave me a 1 hit ko. I would have thought Kabam would have combated this type of thing from happening by not allow over a certain percent of damage in a single millisecond hit.
A little like ice man’s shield reducing hit damage in 1 go.
Definitely wasn’t hit by a special and I have no idea to how many armour ups red skull had at the time.
But taking his armour ups into account. Considering he can gain quite a lot over time. And then throwing in the Battlegrounds current multiplier.
Yep, a simple power burn block, took more than 100% of my health.
It’s a whole of a troll from Kabam lol but it is what it is.
Plus if anyone’s struggling to choose a defender…..