Raids thanos missions broken interaction with magneto

OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
Hi Kabam,

There appears to be a broken interaction between magneto and the raids mission thanos sayeth prompts, specifically then knockdown prompt (the light attack and evade seem to work as intended).

Presumably an intercation with magnetism from magneto, but the knockdown prompt is not triggering (some fights not at all), and this is not only costing revives and potions, but also affecting the rest of the people in the raid as they aren't receiving the role charges as they should be, meaning they are having to revive and heal more than they should be.

Can you please look into this as a matter of urgency as it appears to be affecting all alliances.

Can provide screen shots or video footage if required as I recorded it.


  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,205 ★★★★★
    I actually don't think this is Magneto-specific. My alliance was having the same issue with the knockdown mission not registering every time we did it. It wasn't the prompt cycling from knockdown to knockdown either.
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