I did a bad thing

Josh2507Josh2507 Member Posts: 707 ★★★★
I logged on earlier, opened up the solo events to clear the notifications. And I saw hero use was coming to an end. Level up of course being next.

From here I go to my champs and look for possible rankups. I get a bit distracted, do the rank & level up. Then I decide to check how many points I got for the event…

To my absolute horror, I saw: hero use - 3 minutes remaining. I did a level up, outside of the level up event.

I feel dirty


  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,368 ★★★★★
    I use to only do level ups during level up and not even hit the final milestone but with all the content being dropped like necro/woe/ccp carinas/aw showcase , I’m ranking up outside of it or putting up 200k scores during it
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 410 ★★
    edited March 22
    RANK UP, in-class sig stones and AGs, ascending, popping crystals, all count for 7hr. X [class] Advancement.
    just spending ISO (or embers, for Relics) counts for Level Up 22hr.
    both count for Alliance Summoner advancement.

    edit: solo 7/22hr Events are helpful, but NOT worth losing sleep over. imo.
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