For crystals such as PHC, Cav, Paragon etc that offer higher rarities at lower drop rates, do you think a pity system with guaranteed highest rarity at X amount of pulls be a good idea for the game?
Should MCOC implement pity system for RNG crystals? 74 votes
Sometimes you're gonna have great luck. Most of the time you're not. No reason for 'pity.'
"No reason for pity"
Oh would you look at this… Kabam listened to me once again! First it was T1 Primordial Dust in Sigil store and now it’s the pity system!
The crystals cost 300 units. After you open 29 valiant crystals, if you haven’t received a seven star, you are guaranteed a random seven star from whatever the pool is. So 9000 units to get any seven star. And the same logic applies to whoever the featured champ is, except it scales up to the 200th crystal? So 60,000 units?
If I have that right, this seems beyond niche in its appeal.
Sooooo..... What am I getting for 1k units I have atm?