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Here me out

JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,753 ★★★
edited April 1 in General Discussion
What if we had a new game mode like battlegrounds but l o n g e r. Like long chess. So. My idea is to have grandmaster, gwenmaster, both kangs, and all act 8 bosses as selectable fights and from there its kinda like the bg setup where you verse someone else, draft defenders etc. The difference is you have 2 days to complete the fight. You can pause the game for however long and it won't matter. If you pause you can go on other game modes. You csn pause, go of the game and go back on. Paused time doesn't count, only fight time so if u puased for 3 hours and did grandmaster in 10 minutes for example but they did it all in one go in 11 mins, you would still win. I know you lot want battlegrounds fixed but this could be something added in after.


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    Cure2024Cure2024 Posts: 125 ★★
    Here me in
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    SchnoodleSchnoodle Posts: 165 ★★
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,217 ★★★★★
    Woah now, let's take a deep breath here.
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    Wozzle007Wozzle007 Posts: 969 ★★★★★
    I don’t really understand what you’re trying to do with this idea. Is it essentially only the story Act Boss fights who are defenders and the players are the go with their own decks for attackers. It’s basically just PVE time trial, fastest wins but over 2 days? Even if I’ve not fully heard you and got it wrong it sounds pretty awful being locked into a game mode for 2 days. Imagine your player 1, you complete it 30 mins or an hour. But your opponent chooses to do it over 47 hours. You have to wait all that time to see if you’ve won or lost.

    Unless you’re in a master Alliance, who’s going to want to do this?
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,972 ★★★★★
    Hear me out....

    A quest where once we've 100% content bosses are unlocked.

    So everyone from the kangs, GM, collector, abyss collector, necropolis GM etc..

    Then we can relive the fights without actually having to go through the whole quest just to get to them.
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,753 ★★★

    Hear me out....

    A quest where once we've 100% content bosses are unlocked.

    So everyone from the kangs, GM, collector, abyss collector, necropolis GM etc..

    Then we can relive the fights without actually having to go through the whole quest just to get to them.

    I have wanted that for ages but we can't have it because then other people could practice boss fights on our account
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    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,753 ★★★
    And there are many flaws with my idea but I thought it would be fun. The here spelling was probably because I was rushing to write this before I left my house
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,972 ★★★★★

    Hear me out....

    A quest where once we've 100% content bosses are unlocked.

    So everyone from the kangs, GM, collector, abyss collector, necropolis GM etc..

    Then we can relive the fights without actually having to go through the whole quest just to get to them.

    I have wanted that for ages but we can't have it because then other people could practice boss fights on our account
    I mean sure, if they want to chance getting banned for sending their info out to their alliance mate.
    How many people honestly have a buddy they know in person who play?

    Sure, some probably do, but the vast majority don't.
  • Options
    JLordVileJJLordVileJ Posts: 1,753 ★★★

    Hear me out....

    A quest where once we've 100% content bosses are unlocked.

    So everyone from the kangs, GM, collector, abyss collector, necropolis GM etc..

    Then we can relive the fights without actually having to go through the whole quest just to get to them.

    I have wanted that for ages but we can't have it because then other people could practice boss fights on our account
    I mean sure, if they want to chance getting banned for sending their info out to their alliance mate.
    How many people honestly have a buddy they know in person who play?

    Sure, some probably do, but the vast majority don't.
    I low-key forced all my friends to play😈...
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,972 ★★★★★

    Hear me out....

    A quest where once we've 100% content bosses are unlocked.

    So everyone from the kangs, GM, collector, abyss collector, necropolis GM etc..

    Then we can relive the fights without actually having to go through the whole quest just to get to them.

    I have wanted that for ages but we can't have it because then other people could practice boss fights on our account
    I mean sure, if they want to chance getting banned for sending their info out to their alliance mate.
    How many people honestly have a buddy they know in person who play?

    Sure, some probably do, but the vast majority don't.
    I low-key forced all my friends to play😈...
    You're onto something here. I may have to do the same. Haha
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,217 ★★★★★
    Like why I want to do Bahamut again just to one up on other player with, "haa, I did it faster"
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 548 ★★
    I think this is a good idea!!
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,408 ★★★★
    Is this an April Fools day joke cause I don't see anything good about a PVP that takes 2 days to finish. There's enough in game right now that most players don't have time to do and now you want to make content that last two days for a PVP. Good luck with that.
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,524 ★★★★
    I not only don't want to hear you out, I also wish I hadn't seen the atrocities you're suggesting.
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