Input issues? Or glitch?

PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,041 ★★★★
edited April 1 in General Discussion
I don't know if it's been discussed here yet. But a very weird interaction just occurred. Path 1 of AW buffet node. Terrax defender. I parried him. And he shrugged and got his regen. But the input didn't register that I was blocking still?? He immediately wiped half my health with a combo. It was so fast i assumed I somehow made a mistake but then it happened again. I blocked. He shrugged. And then immediately attacked and killed me like he was unblockable. Parrying and blocking are the most instinctual inputs in the game. I most definitely didn't let go of block. Is anybody else experiencing this? I don't know that it would be input because it registered my attempted parry but then canceled my whole block animation rather than just canceling parry. Definitely not a great April fools joke. 😅
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