Kang's quest

Hi !
I would like to express my thoughts regarding the recent quest introduced in MCOC.
While I appreciate the effort put into creating new content, I must candidly share my experience.
Firstly, allow me to inquire:
In what realm did you envision this new quest to be exciting for players?
As I attempted to progress to stage 2, I found myself spending a frustrating half-hour without success.
This struggle persisted despite having completed the battles in stage 1.
If the intention was to turn our minds into mush by mindlessly repeating the same tasks, congratulations—you've succeeded!
Furthermore, my battery has depleted by 30% during these futile attempts to continue.
It's disheartening to invest time and energy only to face insurmountable obstacles.
Perhaps the concept of ecological responsibility and transition is unfamiliar to you.
I implore you to reconsider certain aspects, such as improving the transition between different quest segments.
Lastly, the recurring theme involving Kang's temporal loops has been duly noted.
There's no need to hammer it into our consciousness, as it only serves to frustrate and diminish our enjoyment as players.
Thank you !
I would like to express my thoughts regarding the recent quest introduced in MCOC.
While I appreciate the effort put into creating new content, I must candidly share my experience.
Firstly, allow me to inquire:
In what realm did you envision this new quest to be exciting for players?
As I attempted to progress to stage 2, I found myself spending a frustrating half-hour without success.
This struggle persisted despite having completed the battles in stage 1.
If the intention was to turn our minds into mush by mindlessly repeating the same tasks, congratulations—you've succeeded!
Furthermore, my battery has depleted by 30% during these futile attempts to continue.
It's disheartening to invest time and energy only to face insurmountable obstacles.
Perhaps the concept of ecological responsibility and transition is unfamiliar to you.
I implore you to reconsider certain aspects, such as improving the transition between different quest segments.
Lastly, the recurring theme involving Kang's temporal loops has been duly noted.
There's no need to hammer it into our consciousness, as it only serves to frustrate and diminish our enjoyment as players.
Thank you !
+ it wasn't even annoying, it would've rather been very fun if they allowed us to use auto play mechanic to automatically keep teleporting infinitely till we went to next level after defeating everyone on the current one