Mastery Load Out Question?

Pocketz4Pocketz4 Member Posts: 16
*I may have missed this somewhere, and if that's the case, a link would be helpful.*

If I replace my war defense with a secondary load out and save, then switch my load out back to original, my defense load out reverts back as well (after double-checking). Is this intended? Or do I have to wait until the war starts for it to stick before switching back? Does that mean i have to do this every war? Or is a load out for just defense not intended to be part of the design?


  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,487 ★★★★★
    Whole mastery is in blunder currently
    Recoils mastery is not giving attack bonus,
    It's not clear if war specific mastery applies only for defence or also for attack?
    Also it crashed 3 times when putting mastery points in different loadouts.

    Hope Kabam fixes it all
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