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S17 BG week3 meta

WhiteKnightWhiteKnight Posts: 365 ★★★
So what's everyone's options on next season BG node introducing war tactics in BG?

Personally, i am concerned as this meta had some champs that were very hard to fight even when I could specifically bring a counter which isn't always an option in BG as it is so draft dependent


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    IggyPopIggyPop Posts: 64
    I’m tired of this X Magix meta, Kabam is trying to stick it everywhere they can. War has been quite a headache, now battlegrounds will continue and amplify it.
    Like, why? Was there really a need for it? Have devs run out of fresh ideas and instead recycling already painful node that has been disliked by many?
    I don’t get it…
    One note worthy thing is bump to rewards, something worth to grind for. But meta, man.. need something new.
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    WhiteKnightWhiteKnight Posts: 365 ★★★
    This season has been my first since the beta that I've not tried... finished on 70k solo and uru 3 my worst ever and was looking forward to s17... now not so much as can't see me getting C5 no more 🤣

    Don't get me wrong, I WANT a node that forces certain defenders/attackers but not this, anything but this... bring back armour burn that was fun 🤣
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    Guest120193746239Guest120193746239 Posts: 242 ★★
    It'll be easy for people who know how to play. If you're new,don't read nods(like I used to) or just pay to play and not rely on skill itll be difficult.
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    WhiteKnightWhiteKnight Posts: 365 ★★★

    It'll be easy for people who know how to play. If you're new,don't read nods(like I used to) or just pay to play and not rely on skill itll be difficult.

    I've done well this season, p9 running into KM, zemo etc constantly and handled it but without a counter its going to be a nightmare 😫

    Luckily, I've saved rank ups for this so guess bullseye will be r5 ascended finally 🤣
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    peixemacacopeixemacaco Posts: 1,726 ★★★★
    Which class or classes will benefit the most of Season 17?
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    13579rebel_13579rebel_ Posts: 2,546 ★★★★★

    Which class or classes will benefit the most of Season 17?

    For VT it's a nuke fest just bring your strongest champs
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    GarloGarlo Posts: 218 ★★
    I hate the nuke metas, I prefer the nodes when you have to fight with a very specific mechanics, besides I play in tier 1 war, so I think it will be a good meta.
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