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Missing point ?



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    HavanaknightHavanaknight Posts: 473 ★★★
    I also originally thought I was short a point. Valiant, have completed all objectives thus far - started the week with 18 points. I ran the left side and earned 4 objectives (out of 6). This put me to 23. This suggests, regardless of how they wrote it, you earn 1 point for each side of the gauntlet. So if you are 1 point short and haven’t explored, take your best team and go the other way.
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,038 ★★★★★
    Onassys1 said:

    Bashlord said:

    Onassys1 said:

    Either they worded it wrong or they did miss a point. I hope they did indeed miss a point because I literally need one point to get to 21 🤣

    Exactly same issue I have. I'm paragon and did all the objectives that could be done +grace point they offered + 1 point from the guillotine =19 .I'm confused as the in-game message sais the chest offers points and in theory should be 2 more points . 21 one in total and I can get next milestone. They definitely did a mistake and should be answered to it !
    There is a miscommunication/misunderstanding between chest point and completion.

    Objectives points aside points from chest are same as completion/exploration.

    There are no separate points for chest and completion, they are 1 and same.

    You will pick up 1 chest during completion run and other for exploration.

    As a Valiant, total of 8 points are available( 6 objective and 2 from chest/completion)

    For Paragon, Max 6 points are available
    No they're not.

    On this message:

    It says each chest on each path will grant one point.

    The point for completion OP is mentioning is this one right here:

    This point has nothing to do with the chests.
    Finally someone speaks my language 🙌 we are on the same page mate!
    We are yeah, unfortunately I think the reply we're going to get is that it was worded poorly and the chests = one for completion and one for exploration.
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    PantherusNZPantherusNZ Posts: 1,700 ★★★★
    I'll be very happy to have it confirmed that you get 1 point for each of the 2 paths - I just want it confirmed before I invest in the second path :smile:

    I'm Paragon, did the Gamma Objective in Week 1, got the Robot point in the mail, and then got every objective since then except for Guillotine, including all 4 for this latest one, leaving me on 17 points. If the 2nd path in the gauntlet definitely gives another point for it then that will be fantastic.
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    Graves_3Graves_3 Posts: 1,372 ★★★★★

    WOLF_LINK said:

    In their initial topic about Winter of Woe they stated that max Milestone for Paragons is the 18 Pts one. It was well known from the very beginning.

    Week 1 had a Grace Pt and Week 4 with Deathless Objective, max 20 Pts (4/3/3/4/6) for Paragons.

    Final Quest = 2 Chests + 4 Objectives = 6

    Right 6 and where did the point from first completion run (which we got for every other WoW quest) go? It vanished?
    I don’t know if the objective wording was just copy pasted here from previous weeks. You get 2 points from the chests so technically that’s your completion and exploration. I did all objectives and both paths and got 8 points total. 1 from each chest and 6 objectives.
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    Graves_3Graves_3 Posts: 1,372 ★★★★★

    I'll be very happy to have it confirmed that you get 1 point for each of the 2 paths - I just want it confirmed before I invest in the second path :smile:

    I'm Paragon, did the Gamma Objective in Week 1, got the Robot point in the mail, and then got every objective since then except for Guillotine, including all 4 for this latest one, leaving me on 17 points. If the 2nd path in the gauntlet definitely gives another point for it then that will be fantastic.

    I can confirm that you do get 1 point from each chest.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,141 ★★★★★
    Here's hoping we get few bonus points 😈
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    Onassys1Onassys1 Posts: 23
    Graves_3 said:

    WOLF_LINK said:

    In their initial topic about Winter of Woe they stated that max Milestone for Paragons is the 18 Pts one. It was well known from the very beginning.

    Week 1 had a Grace Pt and Week 4 with Deathless Objective, max 20 Pts (4/3/3/4/6) for Paragons.

    Final Quest = 2 Chests + 4 Objectives = 6

    Right 6 and where did the point from first completion run (which we got for every other WoW quest) go? It vanished?
    I don’t know if the objective wording was just copy pasted here from previous weeks. You get 2 points from the chests so technically that’s your completion and exploration. I did all objectives and both paths and got 8 points total. 1 from each chest and 6 objectives.
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    Josh2507Josh2507 Posts: 655 ★★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    WOLF_LINK said:

    In their initial topic about Winter of Woe they stated that max Milestone for Paragons is the 18 Pts one. It was well known from the very beginning.

    Week 1 had a Grace Pt and Week 4 with Deathless Objective, max 20 Pts (4/3/3/4/6) for Paragons.

    Final Quest = 2 Chests + 4 Objectives = 6

    Right 6 and where did the point from first completion run (which we got for every other WoW quest) go? It vanished?
    I don’t know if the objective wording was just copy pasted here from previous weeks. You get 2 points from the chests so technically that’s your completion and exploration. I did all objectives and both paths and got 8 points total. 1 from each chest and 6 objectives.
    Thanks for the info, I was a bit confused to start with

    The mail message was worded a bit weird, but I’m glad to know that I can reach 18 points
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    Onassys1Onassys1 Posts: 23
    Can we actually get an official confirmation/answer from the Team is there a mistake 🤔?
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,943 ★★★★★
    For paragon - 4 objective Points + 1 completion point + 1 exploration point is 6 for the gauntlet.

    Valiant is 6 objective points+ 1 completion + 1 exploration for 8 points in the gauntlet.

    The points in the chests don't show when you do it, it shows 1 gold but I assure you, when you do it you get a point on each side.
  • Options
    Onassys1Onassys1 Posts: 23

    For paragon - 4 objective Points + 1 completion point + 1 exploration point is 6 for the gauntlet.

    Valiant is 6 objective points+ 1 completion + 1 exploration for 8 points in the gauntlet.

    The points in the chests don't show when you do it, it shows 1 gold but I assure you, when you do it you get a point on each side.

    Did you actually fully explored the quest and you got 2 additional points? Apart from the 5 already given by the objectives?
  • Options
    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,943 ★★★★★
    Onassys1 said:

    For paragon - 4 objective Points + 1 completion point + 1 exploration point is 6 for the gauntlet.

    Valiant is 6 objective points+ 1 completion + 1 exploration for 8 points in the gauntlet.

    The points in the chests don't show when you do it, it shows 1 gold but I assure you, when you do it you get a point on each side.

    Did you actually fully explored the quest and you got 2 additional points? Apart from the 5 already given by the objectives?
    I got 6 objective point, + 1 for completion + 1 for exploration, as I said it works.

    Hence I started with 17, and ended with 25.
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    Onassys1Onassys1 Posts: 23
    I still think it should be one in the first and last chest .the calculation you made is right apart from the one inside the chest as the in-game msg stated. Well done Kabam again 👏
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    Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Posts: 217 ★★
    It’s unnecessarily stressful and confusing, but as a valiant, I ran both sides, got all six objectives and earned 8 points. Went from 17 to 25.
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    Onassys1Onassys1 Posts: 23

    It’s unnecessarily stressful and confusing, but as a valiant, I ran both sides, got all six objectives and earned 8 points. Went from 17 to 25.

    I watched KT fully explored the quest and he didn't get from the chest nothing just gold . 6 obj* and one for exploration . He started at 18 points being valiant and he end up having 26 .isn't that weird? Bloody Mary 🤣🤣
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,038 ★★★★★
    edited April 4

    For paragon - 4 objective Points + 1 completion point + 1 exploration point is 6 for the gauntlet.

    Valiant is 6 objective points+ 1 completion + 1 exploration for 8 points in the gauntlet.

    The points in the chests don't show when you do it, it shows 1 gold but I assure you, when you do it you get a point on each side.

    That's not the issue though, the confusion here is coming from the fact that the in-game message said each chest would have one point:

    And then there's also this:

    One point for first completion run, that's three points not two, hence some people are confused and think we're missing one point.
    Kabam probably worded it wrong in the message and one of the chests is supposed to be completion but like I said it sounded like the chests and completion were two different things.

    @Kabam Miike can we get some clarification please?
  • Options
    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,038 ★★★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    WOLF_LINK said:

    In their initial topic about Winter of Woe they stated that max Milestone for Paragons is the 18 Pts one. It was well known from the very beginning.

    Week 1 had a Grace Pt and Week 4 with Deathless Objective, max 20 Pts (4/3/3/4/6) for Paragons.

    Final Quest = 2 Chests + 4 Objectives = 6

    Right 6 and where did the point from first completion run (which we got for every other WoW quest) go? It vanished?
    I don’t know if the objective wording was just copy pasted here from previous weeks. You get 2 points from the chests so technically that’s your completion and exploration. I did all objectives and both paths and got 8 points total. 1 from each chest and 6 objectives.
    That's probably the case but it wasn't worded like that on the in-game message. That's why people on this thread are assuming the two from the chests and the one from completion are two different things.
    I know this is probably the case, one chest is completion, the other exploration but that's not what the message said so at least they should give us some clarification on the matter.
  • Options
    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,943 ★★★★★

    For paragon - 4 objective Points + 1 completion point + 1 exploration point is 6 for the gauntlet.

    Valiant is 6 objective points+ 1 completion + 1 exploration for 8 points in the gauntlet.

    The points in the chests don't show when you do it, it shows 1 gold but I assure you, when you do it you get a point on each side.

    That's not the issue though, the confusion here is coming from the fact that the in-game message said each chest would have one point:

    And then there's also this:

    One point for first completion run, that's three points not two, hence some people are confused and think we're missing one point.
    Kabam probably worded it wrong in the message and one of the chests is supposed to be completion but like I said it sounded like the chests and completion were two different things.

    @Kabam Miike can we get some clarification please?
    It was definitely worded terribly, no doubt about that.

    Why they have to make everything so confusing is beyond me. 😖
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,388 ★★★★★
    Also if it was just for the complete u could just run over there and get one point without doing it so it makes sense it in those boxes
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,038 ★★★★★
    Gamer said:

    Also if it was just for the complete u could just run over there and get one point without doing it so it makes sense it in those boxes

    Yeah but that was never explicitly stated. Not saying this isn't the case, just that the in-game message was poorly worded and misleading.
  • Options
    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,038 ★★★★★

    For paragon - 4 objective Points + 1 completion point + 1 exploration point is 6 for the gauntlet.

    Valiant is 6 objective points+ 1 completion + 1 exploration for 8 points in the gauntlet.

    The points in the chests don't show when you do it, it shows 1 gold but I assure you, when you do it you get a point on each side.

    That's not the issue though, the confusion here is coming from the fact that the in-game message said each chest would have one point:

    And then there's also this:

    One point for first completion run, that's three points not two, hence some people are confused and think we're missing one point.
    Kabam probably worded it wrong in the message and one of the chests is supposed to be completion but like I said it sounded like the chests and completion were two different things.

    @Kabam Miike can we get some clarification please?
    It was definitely worded terribly, no doubt about that.

    Why they have to make everything so confusing is beyond me. 😖
    It's been a trend lately lol
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    Onassys1Onassys1 Posts: 23
    edited April 5
    The funny part is they didn't bother to give an answer and I bet they seen this thread having close to a thousand wies and people trying to get answers. What can we do ?
    The game went a bit to far with all the issues they have now and there is no interaction with us from their side .They are treating us like we are not the customer and actually we spend atleast 20 to 50 $ a month and in theory we keep the game still running.
    In the end is everyone's decision what they will do with their money. I will go free to play, maybe I spend a fiver a month for the units as it helps and casually play the game as it went to far ( I sound like a hypocrite) 🤣🤣🤣. All the best to all and hope you get your answers.
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    Graves_3Graves_3 Posts: 1,372 ★★★★★

    Graves_3 said:

    WOLF_LINK said:

    In their initial topic about Winter of Woe they stated that max Milestone for Paragons is the 18 Pts one. It was well known from the very beginning.

    Week 1 had a Grace Pt and Week 4 with Deathless Objective, max 20 Pts (4/3/3/4/6) for Paragons.

    Final Quest = 2 Chests + 4 Objectives = 6

    Right 6 and where did the point from first completion run (which we got for every other WoW quest) go? It vanished?
    I don’t know if the objective wording was just copy pasted here from previous weeks. You get 2 points from the chests so technically that’s your completion and exploration. I did all objectives and both paths and got 8 points total. 1 from each chest and 6 objectives.
    That's probably the case but it wasn't worded like that on the in-game message. That's why people on this thread are assuming the two from the chests and the one from completion are two different things.
    I know this is probably the case, one chest is completion, the other exploration but that's not what the message said so at least they should give us some clarification on the matter.
    I don’t know man!! The in game message was actually pretty clear where the points would be. What’s confusing is the solo event which claims 1 point for completion. But I can see how that was true for first 4 weeks and since they have that path that directly teleports to the last node, it’s not feasible to assume you get an extra point for just completion.
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,038 ★★★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    Graves_3 said:

    WOLF_LINK said:

    In their initial topic about Winter of Woe they stated that max Milestone for Paragons is the 18 Pts one. It was well known from the very beginning.

    Week 1 had a Grace Pt and Week 4 with Deathless Objective, max 20 Pts (4/3/3/4/6) for Paragons.

    Final Quest = 2 Chests + 4 Objectives = 6

    Right 6 and where did the point from first completion run (which we got for every other WoW quest) go? It vanished?
    I don’t know if the objective wording was just copy pasted here from previous weeks. You get 2 points from the chests so technically that’s your completion and exploration. I did all objectives and both paths and got 8 points total. 1 from each chest and 6 objectives.
    That's probably the case but it wasn't worded like that on the in-game message. That's why people on this thread are assuming the two from the chests and the one from completion are two different things.
    I know this is probably the case, one chest is completion, the other exploration but that's not what the message said so at least they should give us some clarification on the matter.
    I don’t know man!! The in game message was actually pretty clear where the points would be. What’s confusing is the solo event which claims 1 point for completion. But I can see how that was true for first 4 weeks and since they have that path that directly teleports to the last node, it’s not feasible to assume you get an extra point for just completion.
    It was for the most part, what wasn't clear is whether the first point in the chest counted as the completion point and completing the quest no longer gave you the completion point from the milestones, or if there was an actual point missing. Judging by the fact Miike was tagged multiple times here and never replied I assume it was worded wrong indeed.
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