Werewolf by Reparry

MagicsolMagicsol Member Posts: 112
For yall who use WW by night in war,as he is one of the top x magica attackers,you probably know what im talking about.As of today i've probably wasted over 1k units on heals this season because i'll get reparried by the AI on second light attack if i try to hit on block to gain prowess charges
**Nerd enters**
-you can actually parry remove to indestructibles
-NO,You dont have the courtesy of blocking in a huge amount of matchups in t2-t3 war
This is taking the piss out of me and don't tell me this is an intender disadvantage of WW this is just disgusting AI behavior
I'll be looking for a reply from a kabam moderator and how this issue will be approached as im also sure this issue exists with other champions aswell that have a milisecond delayed light attack
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