Lizard: Ability Kit Concept

Reptilian Physiology :Lizard's DNA grants him enhanced strength, endurance, and agility, increasing his base stats by 40% against Mystic champions. Additionally, all of Lizard's attacks have a 60% chance to inflict Bleed for 4 seconds.
Enhanced Mutation: Lizard's mutated physiology grants him enhanced regenerative capabilities. He regenerates health over time, recovering 1% of his max health every 5 seconds. Additionally, each time the opponent launches a Special Attack, the rate of Lizard's regeneration increases by 1% health over 5 seconds, up to a maximum of 1% health over 2 seconds. This increased regeneration lasts for the remainder of the fight. If Lizard is inflicted with a Petrify debuff, he is prevented from healing, but gains +5% attack rating for the duration of the Petrify.
Heavy Attack:
First Hit (Tail Slam): Causes the opponent to suffer from a temporary Armor Break, reducing their Armor Rating by X% for X seconds.
Second Hit (Venomous Bite): Inflicts Poison. Each hit of a special attack has a X% chance to inflict Poison for 10 seconds per charge. If cancelled into a special attack on this hit, gain a Passive Unstoppable and Unblockable till the special attack is finished. After the special attack, these Passives fall off after 5 seconds.
Third Hit (Toxin Stabilization): Inflicts a permanent Poison Vulnerability Passive, increasing potency of all poisons by 25%. On defense, even if this hit does not make contact with the Attacker, dashing in while a charge is active grants an Unstoppable Passive, and all Special Attacks become Passively Unblockable for the duration of this charge.
Special Attacks:
Feral Fury (Special 1): Lizard lunges at the opponent with a flurry of claw strikes, dealing X% of his attack as damage and inflicting Bleed, causing X% of his attack as damage over X seconds.
Toxic Spew (Special 2): Lizard spits a stream of corrosive Poison at his opponent. The Poison has a 100% ability accuracy on the last hit of the special, damaging the opponent's health critically, removing 1% of the opponent's health over 15 seconds. Additionally, this attack inflicts Poison, which deals damage over time to the opponent. Lizard's attack rating is increased by +X for each active Poison debuff on his opponent for the duration of the special attack.
Rampaging Rage (Special 3): Lizard unleashes his primal fury, delivering a devastating series of attacks. Inflicts a powerful Poison debuff, dealing X as direct damage over X seconds.
Signature Ability: Evolutionary Resilience
Persistent Charges (Max Stacks: 5):
For every fight Lizard wins against a #SpiderVerse champion, he gains one persistent charge. Each persistent charge increases his attack rating by +15%.
Lizard's Poison slows down his arachno-sapien rivals and decreases their Evade and Miss ability accuracy by 20% per charge. Whenever Lizard is knocked down by a Critical Hit, he converts all Poisons into a powerful burst of healing, recovering of health lost in the fight over seconds. Whenever Lizard dashes into an opponent's heavy or special attack, he pauses all Bleed and Poison effects for 6 seconds. Intercepting the opponent pauses the effects for 2 seconds instead.
Enhanced Mutation: Lizard's mutated physiology grants him enhanced regenerative capabilities. He regenerates health over time, recovering 1% of his max health every 5 seconds. Additionally, each time the opponent launches a Special Attack, the rate of Lizard's regeneration increases by 1% health over 5 seconds, up to a maximum of 1% health over 2 seconds. This increased regeneration lasts for the remainder of the fight. If Lizard is inflicted with a Petrify debuff, he is prevented from healing, but gains +5% attack rating for the duration of the Petrify.
Heavy Attack:
First Hit (Tail Slam): Causes the opponent to suffer from a temporary Armor Break, reducing their Armor Rating by X% for X seconds.
Second Hit (Venomous Bite): Inflicts Poison. Each hit of a special attack has a X% chance to inflict Poison for 10 seconds per charge. If cancelled into a special attack on this hit, gain a Passive Unstoppable and Unblockable till the special attack is finished. After the special attack, these Passives fall off after 5 seconds.
Third Hit (Toxin Stabilization): Inflicts a permanent Poison Vulnerability Passive, increasing potency of all poisons by 25%. On defense, even if this hit does not make contact with the Attacker, dashing in while a charge is active grants an Unstoppable Passive, and all Special Attacks become Passively Unblockable for the duration of this charge.
Special Attacks:
Feral Fury (Special 1): Lizard lunges at the opponent with a flurry of claw strikes, dealing X% of his attack as damage and inflicting Bleed, causing X% of his attack as damage over X seconds.
Toxic Spew (Special 2): Lizard spits a stream of corrosive Poison at his opponent. The Poison has a 100% ability accuracy on the last hit of the special, damaging the opponent's health critically, removing 1% of the opponent's health over 15 seconds. Additionally, this attack inflicts Poison, which deals damage over time to the opponent. Lizard's attack rating is increased by +X for each active Poison debuff on his opponent for the duration of the special attack.
Rampaging Rage (Special 3): Lizard unleashes his primal fury, delivering a devastating series of attacks. Inflicts a powerful Poison debuff, dealing X as direct damage over X seconds.
Signature Ability: Evolutionary Resilience
Persistent Charges (Max Stacks: 5):
For every fight Lizard wins against a #SpiderVerse champion, he gains one persistent charge. Each persistent charge increases his attack rating by +15%.
Lizard's Poison slows down his arachno-sapien rivals and decreases their Evade and Miss ability accuracy by 20% per charge. Whenever Lizard is knocked down by a Critical Hit, he converts all Poisons into a powerful burst of healing, recovering of health lost in the fight over seconds. Whenever Lizard dashes into an opponent's heavy or special attack, he pauses all Bleed and Poison effects for 6 seconds. Intercepting the opponent pauses the effects for 2 seconds instead.
2- How miss AAR Works?
The Lizard
Dr.Connors has researched all his chemical serums and his new biological state allowing him to manipulate and maximise their effectiveness.
Increase all Debuff duration by 1-100%
All Spider-Verse Characters Ability Accuracy Decreased by 1-100%
For Ability Accuracy and Debuff
Sig 1 - 1%
Sig 100 - 50%
Sig 200 - 100
Reptilian Serum
The Lizard starts with 20 Persistent Charges.
He consumes one per fight.
Charges improves his attack by 10% each
When Lizard has more than 10 Persistent charges he places on a Critical Hit a Passive Bleed dealing 60% of the Critical Hit’s Damage.
Upon Defeating A Spider-Verse Hero or Villain. Lizard regains 1 Persistent Charge
Instinctual Behaviour
The Lizard starts all fights with 1 Instinct Charge. An instinct charge alternate between 5 seconds of a Fury . His attack improved by 10% and 5 seconds of Regeneration. Regenerating 1% of health over 5 seconds.
When The Lizard fails to apply a Debuff he gains an additional Instinct Charge. These Stack. When The Lizard Regeneration Phase ends. He purify’s the newest rebuff. You can purify one per Instinct Charge
SP1- Tail Whip
The Lizard Slashes the opponent once and then hits him/her with a 5 round whip with his Tail.
6 Hit
SP2-Genetically Enhanced
The Lizard Serum has enhanced his strength. The Lizards sends a chunk of rock from the ground. Then wrapping himself like a wheel and attacking into him
2 Hits-Unblockable
SP3-No Sanity
The Lizard strikes his enemy on the floor then is gone. As his opposition begins rising he attacks him from the back. Slashes him twice leaving him on the floor. Not after injecting him with a serum.
5 Hits
Places a Passive Debuff - Venom Drain
Drains 10% of Power per Second and Evade cannot be used. Lasts for 20 Seconds and 40 seconds on Spider-Verse Champions.
Cannot be applied onto Poison Immune.
Regenerative Beast-Wolverine,Sabertooth
Improve regen potency by 20%
Scientific Discovery-Spider-Man,Doctor Octopus
Spider-Man-When you evade, the enemy gets a weakness
Doctor Octopus- All Breakthrough last 2 seconds longer
Lizard-Bleeds also heal block the enemy
Lizard and Goblin-Green Goblin
Green Goblin- 1 Madness is given every 5 seconds
Lizard-SP2 triggers a 3 second stun
Experiment Gone Wrong- Deadpool,Abomination
Deadpool-Bleed does 100% mor damage
Abomination-Trigger poison every hit during fury.
There's way too much going on in the Heavy attack section, and it's unclear what some of it means.
Your heavy attack section starts talking about Special Attacks inflicting Poison, for some reason. Do you mean that whilst your Heavy attack poison is active, Special Attacks have an extra effect of inflicting additional stacks of Poison? If so, I like the idea, but I'd suggest Poison burst damage, instead; either on Specials or Critical hits.
Then, a second effect in the Heavy section of that if you Heavy-cancel-Special, you have Passives which apparently last 'the length of the special attack', but which 'fall off after 5s' - which is it? Or is it supposed to be the length of the Special Attack plus an additional five seconds (this sounds like a long time - a little unbalanced...)
Then a third effect mentions a Poison Vulnerability passive; which is fine, but then goes on to take about charges and going Unblockable when charging in - it's very unclear how this is related to the Heavy Attack. Is this a completely unrelated ability that needs to be described elsewhere?
Rather than having three separate abilities in the Heavy attack, why not put some of these abilities on Intercepts, or Light/Medium combo-enders, etc?
The Sig is not good. In fact, there seem to be three separate parts of it, and I'm sorry to say, none of them are good:
1 - As of last month, these were these 11 Spiderverse heroes in the game:
Add in Spiderpunk and you need to ramp up by fighting a very specific group of opponents; who make up 12/264 champions in the game - that's less than 5% of champions.
An ability that's only helpful in 5% of fights isn't very appealing for the user. How is this supposed to ramp up for the charges/AAR to be of any use at all? How often are you going to fight 4-5 Spiderverse champions in a single quest?
2 - There's this second bit: Whenever Lizard is knocked down by a Critical Hit, he converts all Poisons into a powerful burst of healing... I don't really see how this possibly makes any sense - if he gets hit really hard, he draws the poison out of his opponent, and turns it into regeneration for himself? Even by superhero logic, it sounds.. very weird.
If the explanation of the actual ability defies logic, the ability itself will be rendered fairly useless by this logic:
- the majority of champions have a crit rate of around 20-25%, so this will only have take effect on around 1/4 to 1/5 knock-downs.
- On defense, he'll rarely inflict enough poisons for this to take effect, even 1/4 times.
- On attack, he'll rarely get knocked down enough for it to be worth having. You'll have to be knocked down 3-4 times to trigger a regen, on average: is the regeneration really going to make up for that? In most matches, if the defender knocks you down four times, you've already lost.
3 - There's this: Whenever Lizard dashes into an opponent's heavy or special attack, he pauses all Bleed and Poison effects for 6 seconds. Why the heck would you want to do this? In order to get knocked down, and hope to trigger a Regen? In most matches, his Regeneration is going to take forever to recover the health loss that this would cause, and the payoff of pausing his bleeds/poisons seems very unlikely to be worth the pain; particularly given how many opponents will Inflict nasty debuffs on their Heavy/Special Attacks.If you must have Sig ability #1, put it in his base kit, and have him start the quest with one charge, then gain an extra charge every time he starts a fight against a Spiderverse opponents.
For Sig #2, rather than having Regen (common, and quite boring) on being knocked down, why not have a Life Steal effect when inflicting a Poison (or burst of Poison damage), which could gain Potency for each poison on the opponent? That would be way more useful on Attack; which is how most of us like to use our champions.
For Sig #3, just no.
Lastly, it's great to post suggestions like this - but you need to start posting them in the Suggestions Thread. That's what it's for:
Also, FYI only, I tried to make the heavy attack like the one America Chavez has. Instead of building abilities that are perennially active, I decided to just enhance SP2.
As for the Spider Verse sig, it makes sense. After looking at a few quests, you get quite a few spider-verse defenders in just one quest. Plus, i felt the ability was too powerful to be activated with something so vast as XL champs or something, Spider-Verse champs are a decent chunk of the game... I guess it's not too bad.
Thanks, once again.
Hope you comment on V2.0 as well!
Keep his regen stable. Or only when he has suffered damage. Maybe increase if he is suffering from a dmg debuff (lizard body adapting to the source of the damage)
He doesn't inflict poison of any sort. Bleeds and lots of them. He needs to be a slashing, tearing monster that regens like crazy. That s a proper lizard. And poison immunity does make a degree of sense although I don't think he's fully immune to all poisons
Some regen is fine but it has to make sense in the context of the game otherwise there would be 5 characters worth using
@WednesdayLength how many counters do you have for Deadpool, Weapon X, Wolverine in ROL? a lot of characters in total. Solution found: make the health pool smaller.
@Shadowstrike, it's the second line
And then you have champs like Bullseye which need skill and skill only. Lizard is NOT LIKE THAT!
There's a reason scarlet witch got nerfed and its because her regen was absurd and you'd basically never end a fight with less than max health, which is the exact same issue you'd have with this. Any champ with a lot of regen has either conditions or a max limit. Champion can only heal on the final node, kindred and absorbing man are based on missing health not max health, morbius has a max heal limit etc. If this kit went through you'd get heal block nodes on every quest just to stop him from winning everything which would screw over anyone with willpower or suicides
Yes, such a great Spidey comics character not in the game 🤦♂️
Reptilian Physiology: Lizard's DNA grants him enhanced strength, endurance, and agility, decreasing the potency of Bleed and Poison effects by -30%. Additionally, all of Lizard's basic attacks have a 60% chance to inflict Bleed for 4 seconds. As a defender, this chance is 80%.
Enhanced Mutation: Lizard's mutated physiology grants him enhanced regenerative capabilities. He regenerates health over time, recovering 1% of his max health every 5 seconds. This regeneration cannot be decreased beyond -100%. If Lizard’s healing is to be reversed by a Petrify or Spectre debuff, he immediately purifies that debuff and gains a Regeneration buff, healing <> health over 10 seconds.
Lizard’s enhanced senses allow all Miss effects against Mystic champions to fail.
(If my calculations are correct, Deadpool regenerates up to 3% per second above 2 bars of power, which means 15% in 5 seconds. So 1% in 5 seconds is a decent amount)
When Lizard backs his opponent to the wall, they are inflicted with a Fear Passive decreasing Unblockable Ability Accuracy by 100%. Each physical hit while the opponent is cornered deals 20% of the damage given by the physical hit as a burst of Bleed damage.
When a damaging debuff ends
Lizard starts a non-stacking timer for 1.5 seconds when a damaging debuff ends. Dashing in is Unblockable for this timer. The first successful hit after a damaging debuff ends Life Steals 50% of the damage endured by Lizard during the duration of the damaging debuff from the opponent.
If an Evade, Auto-Block or Miss fails, or Lizard’s dash is Unblockable
Lizard gains a Passive Fury for 30 seconds, increasing attack by +30%.
Feral Fury (Special 1):
Lizard gains a True Strike buff for 20 seconds, reducing Evade and Auto-Block ability accuracy by 100%. The last hit of this attack places an Injury debuff on the opponent for 30 seconds, bypassing 100% of Physical Resistance on the opponent.
If this True Strike is Nullified by a Mystic opponent, they are inflicted with an indefinite 10% Bleed Vulnerability passive.
Pauses all Bleeds for 5 seconds.
Toxic Spew (Special 2):
Charging a heavy for 0.5 seconds before launching this special attack makes all hits Guaranteed Critical, and each Critical Hit in this attack places a high-damaging Bleed for 10 seconds.
Reptile Rage (Special 3):
If the opponent is at 3 bars of power when this special attack ends, inflict Weakness, Fatigue and Cowardice on the opponent, all of 85% potency for 7.5 seconds. If these debuffs are active and the opponent launches a special attack, they are converted into Degeneration Debuffs, dealing <> over 10 seconds.
Signature Ability:
As a defender against non-Skill champions, or if attacking or defending against Spider-Verse champions, Lizard starts the fight with an indefinite True Strike passive, preventing Evade and Auto-Block ability accuracy by 100%.
Increase the potency of all damaging debuffs by <10-30%>.
Once per fight: If Lizard is to be knocked out by DoT debuffs or a basic hit, he has a <25-40> chance to regenerate 50% of his health over a duration of < 3-1> seconds.
• Against heavy evading opponent, build to sp1 and launch. Follow steps given below.
• Build to over 2.5 bars of power.
• Launch sp2
• Build and launch sp1 asap
• If you can manage to, launch another sp1
Note: Use sp3 spam against high power gain champions to lose minimal health from special attacks.
First of all true strike doesn't reduce ability accuracy. This is more of a wording thing, but it specifically prevents evade and auto block, it doesn't reduce their ability accuracy.
Second I'm a little confused by what you mean by when a damaging debuff ends. Do you mean that when a debuff ends on the opponent he becomes unblockable for 1.5 seconds?
I don't quite get why he needs to have an increased Bleed chance on defense either?
The mystic counter seems a little bit pointless with the true Strike. I mean him gaining True Strike to begin with is a little odd but gaining a 10% Bleed vulnerability for a little bit of time instead of being able to counter Evade and auto block is not that great of a trade and a lot of nasty Mystic defenders are Bleed immune any way.
If sp2 is called toxic spew why does it apply Bleed
Why does he gain an indefinite True Strike against spider verse champs on his sig if he gains one on his sp1 anyway? His sp1 becomes borderline useless if you're fighting spider verse champs
His sp3 is simply not usable like this. Actively pushing an opponent to sp3 in order to do some degen damage is not ideal and especially not like this. Even with the Cowardice and weakness any kind of story fight is still going to wreck you, and if they inflict any kind of stun or dot on you the fight is done. It's also just not worth taking that risk for 7 seconds of weakness and fatigue and it's not like he's got any way of using specials quicker so it's just not practical.
I'm sorry if it seems like I'm being overly negative, I just think that there's not much of an actual kit here. If we were in 2016 this would be about what I'd expect but now kits are more thought out. It's not just about the individual abilities he has, of which there really isn't much, it's about how they work with one another, how they play into his general rotation, how they counter specific abilities etc etc. Right now this kit is just an Evade counter without any damage or utility that doesn't feel like a science character in almost any capacity.
The idea behind the sp3 is interesting but just doesn't work as a useful ability. Maybe you could play with the idea of him inflicting different debuffs or passives and when the opponent uses a special attack each of those debuffs triggers a different effect (ex: his sp1 inflicts a slow debuff, whenever an opponent uses a special attack while a slow is on them they also gain a weakness, then some other debuff from a heavy could inflict exhaustion on special activation etc.)