If you have enough skill, than who is better between tigra and rintrah

Which should i choose in mystic nexus crystal, somehow they come in it assuming that i have BWCV, kindered and dragon man.
I rarely see rintrah nowadays, a lot of champs counter him. Cow is cool but science class is stacked enough to annihilate him.
But ok, I’m starting to get convinced…
Btw, just a personal question, but is anyone still using rintrah on defense in BG mode ? I swear the last time i saw a rintrah defender in my opponent's BG deck is like 3 or 4 months ago.
Tigra has way more potential in the hands of a really skilled user; but needs an intimate understanding of timing, and the spacing of every individual opponent's Heavy and Special Attacks. She is really hard to get the best out of, but if you do, she's amazing.
Rintrah is incredibly tanky and simple to use; and a weaker player (Hi! I fit into this category, too 😉) will get far more value from Rintrah than Tigra because of his simplicity and durability.
For 95% of the people who play the game, go for Rintrah. For the 5%, go Tigra, and go nuts!