Invisible woman can struck while dodging back

DeNeDieDeNeDie Member Posts: 46
Nightcrawler and Silk both can evade Photon's undexable specials, but Invisible woman can't. Even when all of them have the same ability written in description: "while dodging back cannot struck by attack". Why? You release a 7* Invisible woman, but didn't fix her bug.


  • horrendous_toohorrendous_too Member Posts: 254 ★★★
    I have not tried it myself, but I believe that to dodge her undexable specials with those that have that text (also Spidey 99) that you have to remove the dexterity mastery. It seems like if the mastery is there, it defaults to trying that rather than the champ's innate dodge mechanic.
  • Gooseman627Gooseman627 Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2024
    Unfortunately she’s invisible not untouchable. Mysterio wouldn’t understand that issue though
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 751 ★★★★
    If they change this part of her description ''incoming attacks have a 100% chance to miss as long as invisible woman is not blocking OR DODGING'' it would be the buff that she needs to be usable on attack
    They could've easily remove this dodging part and she'd be great, you would still need to play very well with her to increase your damage and etc but that would be awesome, not a broken attacker and a very skilled one
  • DeNeDieDeNeDie Member Posts: 46
    For the note, I have the dexterity mastery.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    I have not tried it myself, but I believe that to dodge her undexable specials with those that have that text (also Spidey 99) that you have to remove the dexterity mastery. It seems like if the mastery is there, it defaults to trying that rather than the champ's innate dodge mechanic.

    I constantly use Silk against Photon and you do not need to remove anything.
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