Shortlists in BG

Been thinking a lot about the drafting phase in BG.
I know the randomness makes it challenging. But I can imagine that everyone has faced times that you are disapointed that you didn't had the change to choose a favorite champ.
Maybe it is a good idea to create shortlists of, for example, 10 champs out of your deck, so that during each drafting fase you get at least 1 champ out of that shortlist?
Making it more possible to create certain tactics in BG.
Wouldn't this be a good implementation?
I know the randomness makes it challenging. But I can imagine that everyone has faced times that you are disapointed that you didn't had the change to choose a favorite champ.
Maybe it is a good idea to create shortlists of, for example, 10 champs out of your deck, so that during each drafting fase you get at least 1 champ out of that shortlist?
Making it more possible to create certain tactics in BG.
Wouldn't this be a good implementation?
And otherwise you try to learn how to deal with Bullseye
I have a lot of questions about this suggestion.
1) what if your pre-selected champ or champs are banned?
2) during the ban phase, is it revealed to your opponent which champion(s) you have selected in your guaranteed draft?
3) when in the champion draft do they arrive? First round? Last round? Every round until you actually select them?
I don’t know if anybody here played the Megaman Battle Network games, but they had a deck-builder mechanic of 30 battlechips and you’d get five to select from at a time when in combat. You could favorite one of your 30 to guarantee that it was in your hand from the start of the fight. I don’t know if a similar mechanic would make sense here, and it’s subject to all the questions I had above, but I wouldn’t totally dismiss it out of hand
1) then you are unlucky. It can't be the idea to exclude champs from banning (or a whitelist/blacklist like in AW should also be implemented)
2) no, it should definitly not be visible for the opponent.
3) during the 3 draft fases with 5 possible champs. Each time 1 of those 5 is from the shortlist, and always another champ. So if in the first draft you don't pick the champ of your shortlist, the next draft is at random again. But off coarse there is still the posibility that more champs of your shortlist pop up, but always 1 guaranteed
If you don't like your 5 heroes to choose from, just use shuffle, it will give you another 5 options.
So you have 10 options, this feature already exists.
This is an addition to be able to play more tactical. You don't have to set your top 10 champs in a shortlist. But some champs were you can create a certain def or att tactic
More consistency = same draft every game from everyone.
Leave some magic in it