Alliance War Season 49

Welcome back to another season of Alliance War!We’re excited to put Season 48 behind us and move onto Season 49. We want to remind you all of a few changes made during Season 48, then lay the groundwork for Season 49. Please see below.
Wednesday, April 10thPre-Season 49 kicks off
Wednesday, April 24th
Season 49 Starts
Scoring Update - Defender Diversity
We have seen a trend of Alliances relying on particularly stubborn, recent defenders resulting in multiple copies being placed as defenders on a path. This is unintended behavior, and, to further incentivize diverse paths, we have increased the potential points awarded for Defender Diversity.We’ll be increasing this amount from 30 Points per Defender, to 270 Points, the equivalent of three Attack Bonuses.
Season 49 Tactics
Magic Thief - 1:#Magic Thief Defenders gain a stackable Indestructible Passive every 20 seconds, or when their attacks are Dodged, Evaded, or Miss. Max stacks: 3. Attacks that Miss an #X-Magica Attacker do not grant an Indestructible. This timer is paused during the Defender's Specials, and for 0.5s when struck by an #X-Magica Attacker with an active Prowess effect. As long as this Indestructible Passive is on the Defender, they gain 5% of a Bar of Power when hitting the Attacker's Block. 1 Indestructible Passive is removed whenever the Attacker Well-Time Blocks. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.
Magic Thief - 2:
#Magic Thief Defenders gain a stackable Indestructible Passive every 15 seconds, or when their attacks are Dodged, Evaded, or Miss. Max stacks: 4. Attacks that Miss an #X-Magica Attacker do not grant an Indestructible. This timer is paused during the Defender's Specials, and for 0.5s when struck by an #X-Magica Attacker with an active Prowess effect. As long as this Indestructible Passive is on the Defender, they gain 10% of a Bar of Power when hitting the Attacker's Block. 1 Indestructible Passive is removed whenever the Attacker Well-Time Blocks. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.
Magic Thief - 3:
#Magic Thief Defenders gain a stackable Indestructible Passive every 10 seconds, or when their attacks are Dodged, Evaded, or Miss. Max stacks: 5. Attacks that Miss an #X-Magica Attacker do not grant an Indestructible. This timer is paused during the Defender's Specials, and for 0.5s when struck by an #X-Magica Attacker with an active Prowess effect. As long as this Indestructible Passive is on the Defender, they gain 15% of a Bar of Power when hitting the Attacker's Block. 1 Indestructible Passive is removed whenever the Attacker Well-Time Blocks. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy.
X-MagicaIf the Attacker has the #X-Magica tag, performing a Well-Timed Block or striking the Opponent's Block with a Light Attack grants them an indefinite 2% Prowess Passive. Max stacks: 7. Each of these Prowess reduces the Defender's Purify Ability Accuracy by 34%. Each of these Prowess also reduces the Defender's Ability Power Rate by 20%, to a maximum reduction of 100%. When a #Magic Thief Defender activates a non-instant Indestructible effect while the Attacker has a tactic Prowess or vice versa, one of each effect is instantly removed. These effects cannot be affected by Ability Accuracy..
Tactic Champion Lists
We added four new champions in Season 48, and wanted to formally call it out in a Changelog. We highlighted the new Attacking Champions in bold below.Defense Tactic Champion List
Serpent, Sersi, Gorr, Silver Surfer, Corvus Glaive, Super Skrull, Odin, The Champion, Red Goblin, Deathless King Groot, Adam Warlock, Phoenix, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Gladiator, Vision Aarkus, Nova, Thing, Bullseye, Nick Fury, Agent Venom, Elsa Bloodstone, Kraven, Black Panther Civil War, Kate Bishop, Hit Monkey, Blade, Killmonger, Coming Soon, Jabari Panther, Crossbones, Baron Zemo, Black Widow (Deadly Origin), Kingpin, Masacre, Squirrel GirlAttack Tactic Champion List
Longshot, The Hood, Doctor Voodoo, Mojo, Symbiote Supreme, Kushala, Wiccan, Sorcerer Supreme, Dragon Man, Deathless Guillotine, The Destroyer, Magik, Spider Man (Supreme), Werewolf By Night, Black Widow (CW), Scarlet Witch, White Tiger, Man-Thing, Void, Colossus, Domino, Namor, Bishop, Jubilee, Iceman, Havok, Nightcrawler, Professor X, Sauron, Stryfe, Storm (Pyramid X), Wolverine (Weapon X), Dani Moonstar, Gambit, Coming Soon, Emma Frost, Toad, Sunspot, DustBans
Blacklist - Bishop, KushalaWhitelist - Ghost Scorpion
Blacklist - Bishop, IcemanWhitelist - Ghost, Scorpion
Blacklist - IcemanWhitelist - Kingpin