Dust back to back unlimited sp3 bug:")

Devil_1XDevil_1X Member Posts: 5
Okay so I'm aware that everyone is annoyed about Dust being a defender. But isn't she just too overpowered for an Attacker?

Got my first 5 star Dust today and her sp3 says that after you use the sp3 the power is not consumed but a sandstorm is activated for 22 seconds. When sandstorm is active you can't use sp3.

The breakthrough I found here is using a heavy before sp3 so there a sandstorm for 16 seconds after which it goes on cooldown for 8 seconds.

Now here's the thing during this 8 second cooldown sandstorm doesn't active after dust's sp3. And we can literally use as much sp3 as we want within this time frame.

For context I think I can active atleast 9 sp3 in less than 1 second just tried that out. So it's about a minimum of 72-80 sp3 (can be more) back to back.

Considering a stronger dust sp3 does around 20k damage, obviously she does even more. We can farm a bare minimum of 1.5 million damage within the 8 second cooldown timer.

Defender's sp3 also gets charged but if you are fast enough you can avoid the activation of defenders sp3 with your sp3.

Cannot post the video here due to size issues but here's a link of the video I posted on reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/ContestOfChampions/s/K1rwnuf31n


  • Devil_1XDevil_1X Member Posts: 5
    Tldr:- I wanted to refer to the bug (I think) that the 22 second cooldown after the special 3 can be bypassed and consecutive sp3s (70-80 special 3's) can be thrown without pause.
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