8.4.6 final boss tips with the team I have.

I went in blind and now having issues on phase 3. I have doom,Odin,herc(worst mistake),nick fury and silk. Silk was amazing for phase1&2 took a bit long but she was a great safety net. Getting rooted tho is messing up my dex timing and she can't tank hits.
Once you get into a rhythm with dexing it's not as bad, plus his power control helps a ton.
Also: Because Herc's SP2 is a guaranteed stun, you can deal a ton of damage in a single attack chain... Provided you have ramped him up on the way to the boss...
But still, I had some of my best tries with Doom... His power control really helps!
and the how to dex while rooted which starts at 18:50 - its the audio cues at slow and full speed are the most helpful because it's actually a simple rythm you can follow