Discord based Map 6, Gold 3 alliance looking for a few members!

Hi everyone. I’m part of EPIC Schadenfreude. A part of the SHADE family.

We are a Gold 3 alliance (Gold 1 last season), who is loving to move the needle to getting into Plat 6.

AQ is currently Map 6 100%, AW w/diversity is Mandatory.

BG is currently optional. But strongly encouraged with the buffed solo rewards. Should alliance milestones see a buff. It’s likely a minimum gets implemented.

If this sounds like a conversation worth having to you, feel free to contact me on discord. Mrdooman

Or join our server and ask for EPIC, let’s start the conversation!

Alternately, we have a range of alliances from Plat 3 to semi-retired. We are open to all kinds of discussions.

We look forward to hearing from you 😊

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