Which mutant to r2

Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188
I’ve been pretty lucky been my mutant 7 star pulls recently, getting storm from the loyalty crystal and then dust today from act 8. Now I’m conflicted on who to take up to r2. They both seem to have similar playstyles that rely on building up prowess and throwing massive specials. Both are unawakened. Any advice from people who have them on their ideal rotations/playstyles would also be great! I know dust is good defensively, but I’m not sure if that’s reliant on her being awakened.

Which mutant to r2 16 votes

Hellboyy9999JChanceH9The_Doctor_24_1AndremlopesSagaChampion 5 votes
PantherusNZBrokenRookiieItsClobberinTimeMeowsalotErrangTrongNovEmilia90Super_Cretu90Riryokushield311 11 votes
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