Breaking news worldwide mcoc iso shortage

Spring cleaning better just have stacks of iso that I can use the currency on and when is spring cleaning I r2 glad r5 hulk and just pulled fant and I have no iso psa I couldn’t even fully level up glad and hulk and I still have over 2/3 of my rank up gems left
It happens every 4th of july, every CM, every time that mass crystals are opened.
You can get from this and in the store
I see your 575k and raise you 643k
Apparently so..
alliance Summoner Advancement? if you know the milestone your people usually hit, save it off for next week.
also, @ahmynuts has it right: duping 4* and 5* pays to rank/ level 6&7s. if you can put in the time.
pinch them pennies. they add up.
Not a single 7* was ranked up today.
Still holding the gems, cuz luck trash.
Ranked and levelled up 1 r3 and 2 r2 relics.
Get worse pulls-> No need to upgrade-> no iso needed-> ezlyf.
Get your incursion grind up. Buy the 4* cyrstals.
Shocked, I say! I can't imaging why that would be happening.
If that was the case we would have more ISO problems. Champion acquisition is not balanced to ISO...
If we are p2w and all that non sense we would need a lot more ISO to rank up whatever we paid to win. Matter of fact a F2P should have a lot more ISO since they don't get new stuff that often right?
Didn't know a legend tittle gave you more ISO by the way