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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Tigra VS ultron arena

TreoTreo Posts: 389 ★★
edited April 14 in General Discussion
Hy all I just did an arena fight with tigra vs ultron. I noticed that her neutralize didn’t stop ultron from triggering his healing buff. I thought a neutralize should stop a buff from triggering but he still triggered with an active neutralize. Am I missing an interaction ? Or should this be classified as a bug?

Thanks for the responses.


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    LordSmasherLordSmasher Posts: 1,450 ★★★★★
    I assume its because Ultron's functions unaffected by Ability Accuracy we means the neutralise don't work.
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    FolkvangrFolkvangr Posts: 120
    Treo said:

    Hy all I just did an arena fight with tigra vs ultron. I noticed that her neutralize didn’t stop ultron from triggering his healing buff. I thought a neutralize should stop a buff from triggering but he still triggered with an active neutralize. Am I missing an interaction ? Or should this be classified as a bug?

    Thanks for the responses.

    Neutralize gives -100% ability accuracy
    If the defender has more than 100% given by his set or a node, buffs could still trigger
    Same happens with Wiccan
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    xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Posts: 1,281 ★★★★★

    I assume its because Ultron's functions unaffected by Ability Accuracy we means the neutralise don't work.

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