R5 5* BWCV or 5* Wiccan?

Coming from my recent posts, I just pulled a BWCV less than a week ago and already have the resources for her or Wiccan? In your opinion, who should I R5 first? ^^
R5 5* BWCV or 5* Wiccan? 31 votes
Wiccan is definitely a beast of a champ, but he's a bit more niche, and really needs to be matched up against the right opponents to truly shine.
For example, if Wiccan hasn't taken energy damage, the regen on his sp1 is really weak. Compare that to BWCV's regen on her sp2, that is only depending on the damage she does during the hit.
It's an easy choice in my opinion.
BWCV is a bit more broad in her utility, especially with her triple potential immunities and her heal/power-drain/damage capabilities, and her Buff Immunity debuff on the SP2 is rarely countered/immune even when stagger and nullifies are. Plus her sig ability really doesn't factor in - I generally avoid her SP3 altogether.
Wiccan has 2 key abilities, completely shut down buffs (provided that they can have their ability accuracy reduced) and incinerates them if they try to stack up, or take them down via Incinerate/Shock/Plasma burns. Sig ability allows for shock-immunes to still be taken out. Anyone incinerate immune he's virtually useless against.
Personally I prefer Wiccan, but he does exist as a 7* while BWCV doesn't - so there's that as well.
Wiccan, however like you said, needs to be against the right champions.
Thanks for the advice
Good luck!!!