Winter of woe gauntlet exploration point?

AldacAldac Member Posts: 478 ★★★
Hi all,
Does anyone know if there is another point available for exploring both sides of Winter of Woe Gauntlet? I know you get one for completing it in addition to the various objectives but I wanted to know if it’s worth doing the other side.


  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★
    For this final WoE the points are in the chests, its 1 point left and the other point right, no points specifically for completion or exploration
  • AldacAldac Member Posts: 478 ★★★
    Ahh thanks so much. I’m two points off the penultimate milestone with one objective left to do, so I should be able to reach it now.
  • CaboDestro1CaboDestro1 Member Posts: 59
    How many points did you get for the first week against Abs man? I've done all the weeks 100% except the first Abs man and I only have 20 points.
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