Onslaught as a 7 star worth the rank up?

Tempest_024Tempest_024 Member Posts: 144
Is he worth r2 or even r3 unawakened?


  • CyborgNinja135CyborgNinja135 Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★★
    Absolutely. The awakened ability is just icing on the cake. Got a R2 unawakened one and I have zero regrets
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    Yeah he’s worth R3 even without the dupe. One of the best champs in the game if you can get his playstyle down. It does take abit of practice and knowledge of where and when to throw in your heavies so that you can pause his DoT.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
    Absolutely! Like someone else said, it takes a little practice to get the heavy timing down, but he’s one of the best 7* champs

    He’s also got fantastic BP that the 7* stat focus can further increase which pairs excellently with him if you want to take hits into block to pause. Any Skill defender is an easy nuke without even building the sp1 neuros and other defenders are an easy sp1 + sp2 kill.

    He’s also busted on defense even with a great counter. One tiny slip up and you’re ruined
  • Shadow21XShadow21X Member Posts: 1
    I just got him 7 star and i alr have him 6 star too
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