Uncollected Title Lost

Before I finished Act 5.2, I was temporarily banned because I accidentally logged in using my friends phone which unfortunately has an exploit. I received a message from the game that if I finish Act 5.3, I’ll regain the Uncollected title. I finished it, still no title. Do I need to completely explore both Act 5.2 and 5.3? Thank you!
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And I hope someone from MCoC support team sees this post!
How do you accidentally log into your account on someone else's phone? You slip, reach for something to grab on to, happens to be his phone and your fingers happen to log you in to your account and play while you are falling down?
And of course they arent going to give you the title, as you admit to cheating to get it? If I was you I would be really glad I wasnt banned for good and be quiet about it
You're not describing a situation we ban for. We ban an account if it has actively *used* an exploit. Meaning we have proof it was utilized in a game mode.
If you've had your title stripped due to a banning offense, it is not returned to you immediately. Our team has to manually re-grant it after they verify the second time you completed it it was done legitimately. And you do need to defeat the Collector again to receive the title, as well as completing ch 3 legitimately. We don't discuss account specifics here in the forums so I'm shutting this down, but I certainly wanted to set the record straight to avoid concerning others.