Act 6 Energy Cost

Not sure if anyone else considers this an issue, but Act 6 is absolutely miserable to work on as an end-game player. When I initially completed it, it was very difficult and tedious, so I didn't want to do any more than 1 path per quest. The rewards have obviously also become less significant over time (which makes sense, I'm not complaining about this), but more than that, it is just an insanely long piece of content to try and explore 100%. I just finished exploration on Act 8 and decided I'd go back through all story content just to get it all done 100% (again, not worth it for the rewards, I'm just a completionist), and Act 6 seems like it might take literally forever. The quest I'm working on right now has TEN PATHS. I'm currently bringing in champs who have PI equal to or higher than almost every defender in these quests, so it's not like it's all that difficult anymore, it's just that each path is so long and there's just so many paths to the point that this content is miserable to work on.
Given the map designs of 8.3 and 8.4, it seems that Kabam has recognized that having a million paths to do per quest isn't fun, and it just detracts from appreciation for story content as well as time dedication to other areas of the game. I'm not proposing they remove paths from Act 6, but I do think that lowering energy cost to 1 energy per node would be very reasonable. A change like that wouldn't make this content any easier for new players, and for veteran players it would just allow us the ability to explore these earlier acts in a reasonable amount of time without requiring dumping units into full energy refills. Maybe they could even make the lower energy cost conditional on certain progression ranks or completion / exploration of later story content, I don't know, it just seems silly that I have to spend 2-3 days worth of energy on a single quest that isn't even close to challenging or even rewarding anymore.
Given the map designs of 8.3 and 8.4, it seems that Kabam has recognized that having a million paths to do per quest isn't fun, and it just detracts from appreciation for story content as well as time dedication to other areas of the game. I'm not proposing they remove paths from Act 6, but I do think that lowering energy cost to 1 energy per node would be very reasonable. A change like that wouldn't make this content any easier for new players, and for veteran players it would just allow us the ability to explore these earlier acts in a reasonable amount of time without requiring dumping units into full energy refills. Maybe they could even make the lower energy cost conditional on certain progression ranks or completion / exploration of later story content, I don't know, it just seems silly that I have to spend 2-3 days worth of energy on a single quest that isn't even close to challenging or even rewarding anymore.
(I didn't read a single word)
(Haven't read a single word either)
It costs too much energy, I don't wanna use so much energy to do it cause act 8 is cheaper.
Guess what came before act 8 did? You guessed it! Act 7, and before that, act 6!
You're lucky act 7 and 8 are as easy as they are, and act 6 was nerfed 600 times, and act 4 and 5 got reworked to make them less time consuming and even easier.
These newer guys have no idea how easy they have it, man. Smfh.
Kabam buffed rewards for act-4,5 to bring them to current standards but also did not rewarded the players who finished it earlier, despite the fact that it costed kabam SIGNIFICANTLY MORE resources to track down which player finished act-4,5 in last 90 days
The time it took them was months (rewards got obsolete in those months 🤣) but their insistence to not give measly rewards to everyone told me everything what I'm going to do for act-6
Wait till Kabam buffs act-6 rewards, only then it will be somewhat worthy to explore that nightmare.
On top of that, it’s not like you need the exploration rewards.
If you want breaker of thrones title it’s going to be a grind. Oh well.
It's totally fine to disagree with me, I even started my initial post with "Not sure if anyone else considers this an issue", but I hate it when people like you enter threads angry and just start shutting down opinions because you think you're better than everyone else. I first picked up this game nearly 10 years ago, I'm well aware of prior versions and how much easier some content has gotten. That said, even if that wasn't true, newer players' input on the game is just as valid as yours, not sure why you would think otherwise.
Other people in this thread have disagreed without being rude, why couldn't you do that too?
Point is, act 6 has been nerfed more than enough, and even then guys are coming complaining about it whether it's the energy to explore it, the fights are too hard, the rewards aren't good enough, blah blah...
Quite frankly, I'm sick of people whining about content that's already been nerfed 3000 times.
There is zero reason to make it cost less energy, to make the paths shorter, to make it easier.
It's bad enough they have already nerfed everything pre act 7 to the ground.