Rank ups only for challenges?

I would like to hear your opinions on ranking up champs you wouldn't normally use just to make a specific challenge easier?
From the carina challenges 1-3 i have done all except the Carina Challengers Abyss one, will do that soon. I use the champs for that all the time, so i would have maxed them out anyway (Void R5 ascend, Falcon R5 ascend, 7*R2 Guilly 2099, 7*R2 Diablo, R4 Shang-Chi he will probably stay at R4)
Now when i look to the next challenges there are champs who i don't use very often, for example Karate Mikes with the Avengers.
Did you all rank/sig/ascend your ant-mans, black widows, tigras, jabari panthers, mojos, zemos, etc for the challenges?
R5 seems a bit much but R4 resources are well accessible at this point
As for me, I don't do BG really, and my roster is fine enough, finsihed every content except two paths in abyss, so it doesn't seem like wasting resources...
How did you all approach those challenges?
From the carina challenges 1-3 i have done all except the Carina Challengers Abyss one, will do that soon. I use the champs for that all the time, so i would have maxed them out anyway (Void R5 ascend, Falcon R5 ascend, 7*R2 Guilly 2099, 7*R2 Diablo, R4 Shang-Chi he will probably stay at R4)
Now when i look to the next challenges there are champs who i don't use very often, for example Karate Mikes with the Avengers.
Did you all rank/sig/ascend your ant-mans, black widows, tigras, jabari panthers, mojos, zemos, etc for the challenges?
R5 seems a bit much but R4 resources are well accessible at this point
As for me, I don't do BG really, and my roster is fine enough, finsihed every content except two paths in abyss, so it doesn't seem like wasting resources...
How did you all approach those challenges?
Mean while I ranked up a lot of champs to do carina 3 few months ago, ranked up some champs to do WOW challenge, and rn I'm ranking up for carina CCP, and yes, champs that I wouldn't use normally. I also took BW to sig 200 lol. It really depends on your progress however, you may focus on something else (Personally I already explored necro and act 8... so...) of course I prefer to rank up champs that may be useful somewhere else, other than challenge it self
Mojo, Zemo, Tigra at least top tho
I already had a 6* r4 mojo max sig (i love him a lot very underrated champ). Ascended him for carinas. Went in
Herc, Havok - solo
Warlock - 15 revives
Nick - 2 revs
Then that absolute dog p**p modok fight costed me 12 revives only to take him to 67% health.
I quitted it. These challenges are absolute bullshot, No way I'll ever attempt it. I rather let moi revives expire instead of doing this crup.
Attempting this challenge is not at all fun. It just ruins your mental health, unless you are a completionist, I advise you to stay away from this bs challenges, especially the Fintech's one
Long story short I rank champs as high as I want to go with them. The challenges allow me to use champs I may not use often, but these content creators know their stuff. If they think it’s doable with a champ, that champ has value that the average summoner may not realize.
Currently starting to save items up and slowly rank up some of the avengers.
I have them all, but neither BW nor antman are duped yet, and everybody there plus mojo, tiara etc.. are r3 or below currently.
Will eventually get there, just not prioritizing them.