Thanks Kabam for Bundle, Necro completion leads to Valiant finally

BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
edited April 2024 in General Discussion
I had 25-3 revives with 2k units when I thought of doing Necro Completion. Then the revive and Pot bundle came in and I got some extra revives. Bought the bundle 3 times. So with that I went for Necro Completion on the Titania Guardian path. I am a decent player having exp of more than 6-7 years.
I took Aegon from R1 to R5 and used Ag to awaken and pumped up sigs into him for Necro only.

My team was
6R5 Max sig Ascended Aegon
Hiemdall (synergy)
Proxima(must have for Aegon)
7R1 MoonDragon(GM phase 3&4)
6r5 Max Sig Ascended GOAT Doom

1: Titania: took several tries to get 200+ combos on the first bank. My 3rd run went badly as I couldn't bank combo but did good damage tho. 4 revives

2: Vison Aarkus: Straight good fight. Used heavy trick method and got him down. Baited lot of Sp2 and sp2. Heimdal synergy came in clutch . Max ramp up reached. 4 revives

3: Omega sentinel: Normal fight. Heavy trick or getting hit on purpose when unstoppable was active after light attack. 2 revives

4: Airwalker: GOAT Doom solo'ed him. Sp3 cycle. 0 revives

5: Cap Britain: Used Aegon but reverse control are ****. Used GOAT Doom and he got her by doom cycle. 1 revive

6: Wiccan: Should have been easy as per many but he was regening a lot in his sp1. Pushed him to sp2. Used Aegon. Was able to dodge sp2 9/10. 3 Or 4 revives

7: PsychoMan: From here I semi boosted, used attack masteries which had DW, and Assassin but no suicide masteries. Heavy and light attack trick. 3-4 revives

8: Guardian: Straight forward fight for Aegon. Heavy and light attack trick with sp2 for mega bleed. 3 revives

9: Valk: this was a trick fight as I needed to block so she can have Peirce so damage can be done. Same tricks with Aegon. 5-6 revives

10: Red Guardian: Straight forward and 2nd easiest fight like normal fight. Heavy and light trick with sp2 for mega bleed. Solo with Aegon. 0 revives

11: Cap Wilson: straight forward fight with Aegon with heavy and light attack trick. 3-4 revives.

12: Dragon man: this was real pain in ass. His power gain was something. Heimdal synergy came in clutch. Aegon for him. Wanted to dry Doom but sticked with Aegon. 6-7 revives

13: Capiw: Normal fight for Aegon. Same tricks for mega damage. Could be solo if played nicely. 2 revives.

14: Nova: Normal fight for Aegon. I can dex his sp2 9/10. Sp2 10/10. Same trick for damage. Wanted to try doom tho but went with Aegon. I could have saved revives but wanted to finish fight ASAP. 4-5 revives.

15: Grandmaster:
Phase 1: 0 revives. Easy mode
Phase 2: 0 revives Easy mode
Phase 3: it was messed up. Degen was not problem but GM refused to throw his sp1 and sp2 and went sp3 directly . And caught me by his fast career ending heavies FFS. Wasted revives. So I had to switch to Aegon to brute force. Somewhere 10 revives. Highest yet FFS
PHASE 4: Used Moon dragon. Straight forward fight. 0 revives

Total revives: 55-60ish revives. Could have been better I played carefully. But I am glad it's done

Now I had the skill gem from Act 8 exploration and my choices were Black cat ( idk how to use her), Falcon unduped and Moon dragon undupe
I had 0 tech champ and got tech gem form Completion. Classic Kabam fukin hell. So went for tech crystal and got my most Fav champ. So yeah win. But from skill crystal I wanted elsa but duped jabari.
So i became Valiant by ranking up G299 and Moon dragon(MG is good champ so I thought she should be R3 as I used her a lot)
Below are my rewards pick

Sorry for Long write up but I thought might help someone who is thinking to do Necro. Btw I got Kushala from Titan


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,773 ★★★★★
    Doom is the GOAT! congo for Valiant!
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★

    Doom is the GOAT! congo for Valiant!

    Thanks mate. Yeah Doom was great. He could have taken out Nova as well but I was in hurry so did with Aegon
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,570 ★★★★★
    Congrats, dude! Necropolis was so much fun, very nice first run!
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    Congrats on Valiant, that’s a very respectable revive count for Necro.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★


    Thanks mate
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★

    Congrats, dude! Necropolis was so much fun, very nice first run!

    Yeah , out of ROL, AOL,LOL, I found Necro actually more fun and enjoyable
    I thought I would never explore it but my thoughts have changed now. Will definitely try to to explore it
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    SammyDe said:

    Congrats on Valiant, that’s a very respectable revive count for Necro.

    Thanks mate. Could have saved like 10 ore more if I could have played carefully but still I'm glad I did it. Hope rest of paths are not that hard. Hoping them to be 20-40% difficult than Titania path
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★

    I had 25-3 revives with 2k units when I thought of doing Necro Completion. Then the revive and Pot bundle came in and I got some extra revives. Bought the bundle 3 times. So with that I went for Necro Completion on the Titania Guardian path. I am a decent player having exp of more than 6-7 years.
    I took Aegon from R1 to R5 and used Ag to awaken and pumped up sigs into him for Necro only.

    My team was
    6R5 Max sig Ascended Aegon
    Hiemdall (synergy)
    Proxima(must have for Aegon)
    7R1 MoonDragon(GM phase 3&4)
    6r5 Max Sig Ascended GOAT Doom

    1: Titania: took several tries to get 200+ combos on the first bank. My 3rd run went badly as I couldn't bank combo but did good damage tho. 4 revives

    2: Vison Aarkus: Straight good fight. Used heavy trick method and got him down. Baited lot of Sp2 and sp2. Heimdal synergy came in clutch . Max ramp up reached. 4 revives

    3: Omega sentinel: Normal fight. Heavy trick or getting hit on purpose when unstoppable was active after light attack. 2 revives

    4: Airwalker: GOAT Doom solo'ed him. Sp3 cycle. 0 revives

    5: Cap Britain: Used Aegon but reverse control are ****. Used GOAT Doom and he got her by doom cycle. 1 revive

    6: Wiccan: Should have been easy as per many but he was regening a lot in his sp1. Pushed him to sp2. Used Aegon. Was able to dodge sp2 9/10. 3 Or 4 revives

    7: PsychoMan: From here I semi boosted, used attack masteries which had DW, and Assassin but no suicide masteries. Heavy and light attack trick. 3-4 revives

    8: Guardian: Straight forward fight for Aegon. Heavy and light attack trick with sp2 for mega bleed. 3 revives

    9: Valk: this was a trick fight as I needed to block so she can have Peirce so damage can be done. Same tricks with Aegon. 5-6 revives

    10: Red Guardian: Straight forward and 2nd easiest fight like normal fight. Heavy and light trick with sp2 for mega bleed. Solo with Aegon. 0 revives

    11: Cap Wilson: straight forward fight with Aegon with heavy and light attack trick. 3-4 revives.

    12: Dragon man: this was real pain in ass. His power gain was something. Heimdal synergy came in clutch. Aegon for him. Wanted to dry Doom but sticked with Aegon. 6-7 revives

    13: Capiw: Normal fight for Aegon. Same tricks for mega damage. Could be solo if played nicely. 2 revives.

    14: Nova: Normal fight for Aegon. I can dex his sp2 9/10. Sp2 10/10. Same trick for damage. Wanted to try doom tho but went with Aegon. I could have saved revives but wanted to finish fight ASAP. 4-5 revives.

    15: Grandmaster:
    Phase 1: 0 revives. Easy mode
    Phase 2: 0 revives Easy mode
    Phase 3: it was messed up. Degen was not problem but GM refused to throw his sp1 and sp2 and went sp3 directly . And caught me by his fast career ending heavies FFS. Wasted revives. So I had to switch to Aegon to brute force. Somewhere 10 revives. Highest yet FFS
    PHASE 4: Used Moon dragon. Straight forward fight. 0 revives

    Total revives: 55-60ish revives. Could have been better I played carefully. But I am glad it's done

    Now I had the skill gem from Act 8 exploration and my choices were Black cat ( idk how to use her), Falcon unduped and Moon dragon undupe
    I had 0 tech champ and got tech gem form Completion. Classic Kabam fukin hell. So went for tech crystal and got my most Fav champ. So yeah win. But from skill crystal I wanted elsa but duped jabari.
    So i became Valiant by ranking up G299 and Moon dragon(MG is good champ so I thought she should be R3 as I used her a lot)
    Below are my rewards pick

    Sorry for Long write up but I thought might help someone who is thinking to do Necro. Btw I got Kushala from Titan

    Awwwwwwwesome and congrats!! Nice review! I got a Mystic gem from Necro. Was hoping for Science or Tech.
  • WhyMe1984WhyMe1984 Member Posts: 63
    Thanks to you brother for the inspiration, I'm gonna get all of these revive bundles and give necropolis a shot. I have 7* R1 juggernaut instead of Moondragon tho but I'll use pretty much your same team I think.
  • Trek26Trek26 Member Posts: 268 ★★★
    *Waiting for the Gargoyles to get Valiant*
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,556 ★★★★★
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,586 ★★★★★
    Not another bro pulling Jabari 😩
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★

    I had 25-3 revives with 2k units when I thought of doing Necro Completion. Then the revive and Pot bundle came in and I got some extra revives. Bought the bundle 3 times. So with that I went for Necro Completion on the Titania Guardian path. I am a decent player having exp of more than 6-7 years.
    I took Aegon from R1 to R5 and used Ag to awaken and pumped up sigs into him for Necro only.

    My team was
    6R5 Max sig Ascended Aegon
    Hiemdall (synergy)
    Proxima(must have for Aegon)
    7R1 MoonDragon(GM phase 3&4)
    6r5 Max Sig Ascended GOAT Doom

    1: Titania: took several tries to get 200+ combos on the first bank. My 3rd run went badly as I couldn't bank combo but did good damage tho. 4 revives

    2: Vison Aarkus: Straight good fight. Used heavy trick method and got him down. Baited lot of Sp2 and sp2. Heimdal synergy came in clutch . Max ramp up reached. 4 revives

    3: Omega sentinel: Normal fight. Heavy trick or getting hit on purpose when unstoppable was active after light attack. 2 revives

    4: Airwalker: GOAT Doom solo'ed him. Sp3 cycle. 0 revives

    5: Cap Britain: Used Aegon but reverse control are ****. Used GOAT Doom and he got her by doom cycle. 1 revive

    6: Wiccan: Should have been easy as per many but he was regening a lot in his sp1. Pushed him to sp2. Used Aegon. Was able to dodge sp2 9/10. 3 Or 4 revives

    7: PsychoMan: From here I semi boosted, used attack masteries which had DW, and Assassin but no suicide masteries. Heavy and light attack trick. 3-4 revives

    8: Guardian: Straight forward fight for Aegon. Heavy and light attack trick with sp2 for mega bleed. 3 revives

    9: Valk: this was a trick fight as I needed to block so she can have Peirce so damage can be done. Same tricks with Aegon. 5-6 revives

    10: Red Guardian: Straight forward and 2nd easiest fight like normal fight. Heavy and light trick with sp2 for mega bleed. Solo with Aegon. 0 revives

    11: Cap Wilson: straight forward fight with Aegon with heavy and light attack trick. 3-4 revives.

    12: Dragon man: this was real pain in ass. His power gain was something. Heimdal synergy came in clutch. Aegon for him. Wanted to dry Doom but sticked with Aegon. 6-7 revives

    13: Capiw: Normal fight for Aegon. Same tricks for mega damage. Could be solo if played nicely. 2 revives.

    14: Nova: Normal fight for Aegon. I can dex his sp2 9/10. Sp2 10/10. Same trick for damage. Wanted to try doom tho but went with Aegon. I could have saved revives but wanted to finish fight ASAP. 4-5 revives.

    15: Grandmaster:
    Phase 1: 0 revives. Easy mode
    Phase 2: 0 revives Easy mode
    Phase 3: it was messed up. Degen was not problem but GM refused to throw his sp1 and sp2 and went sp3 directly . And caught me by his fast career ending heavies FFS. Wasted revives. So I had to switch to Aegon to brute force. Somewhere 10 revives. Highest yet FFS
    PHASE 4: Used Moon dragon. Straight forward fight. 0 revives

    Total revives: 55-60ish revives. Could have been better I played carefully. But I am glad it's done

    Now I had the skill gem from Act 8 exploration and my choices were Black cat ( idk how to use her), Falcon unduped and Moon dragon undupe
    I had 0 tech champ and got tech gem form Completion. Classic Kabam fukin hell. So went for tech crystal and got my most Fav champ. So yeah win. But from skill crystal I wanted elsa but duped jabari.
    So i became Valiant by ranking up G299 and Moon dragon(MG is good champ so I thought she should be R3 as I used her a lot)
    Below are my rewards pick

    Sorry for Long write up but I thought might help someone who is thinking to do Necro. Btw I got Kushala from Titan

    Awwwwwwwesome and congrats!! Nice review! I got a Mystic gem from Necro. Was hoping for Science or Tech.

    Who's your mystic choice?
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    WhyMe1984 said:

    Thanks to you brother for the inspiration, I'm gonna get all of these revive bundles and give necropolis a shot. I have 7* R1 juggernaut instead of Moondragon tho but I'll use pretty much your same team I think.

    Yeah jugs will be good. Any reverse control is good. I would suggest you to use doom for Air walker and Cap Britain if taking same path
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Not another bro pulling Jabari 😩

    Yeah I can feel that pain. Wanted Elsa . Hope I can get her in near future
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    @Nightheart thanks bro
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