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Is this enough to complete act 5

lexselexse Posts: 22
I farmed some 5 star shards and i got more champs, should i try to finish up act 5 im on the last chapter, i dont have much units so im wondering if my team is good enough


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    AsphyxiaAsphyxia Posts: 48
    More than enough for act 5 and if u get your hands on cosmic Awakening Gem then it's gonna be brief time for act 6 too
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,980 ★★★★★
    If it is first time fighting that 5.4.6 Ultron, I say no.
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 2,954 ★★★★
    I would recommend another 5*r4 for that Ultron. I see you have Medusa, but Magneto Red is absolutely the best option.
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