Will Saga tags remain permanently?

Will the current saga tags stay with the champs after this saga ends?
I’ll probably use my 4-5 gem before it’s over but I was wondering if it is showing eligible champs based on the tags or if it’s got the pool assigned directly to it via other coding methods. I just don’t want the tags to go away when this current saga is over and have this gem not work on anyone.
I’ll probably use my 4-5 gem before it’s over but I was wondering if it is showing eligible champs based on the tags or if it’s got the pool assigned directly to it via other coding methods. I just don’t want the tags to go away when this current saga is over and have this gem not work on anyone.
My question is, if the saga ends and the tags get removed, will the gem still work or is it finding them via the tag.
Or will saga tags stay indefinitely? That seems unlikely but it’s possible I guess.
I’ll probably use it soon but I’m short on gold/iso after 8.4 rank ups.