How many points can I expect in WoW?
Hey everyone,
I’m a new valiant and just did the right side path in WoW gauntlet with only science champions. I have 15 points right now. I have the left side path to finish and the science objective to complete. Given this how many more points can I expect to get after I complete the left path? I want to know if it’s worth doing the left path. If I’m not going to make it to 18 points then I think there’s no point in doing the left path.
I would appreciate the help.
I’m a new valiant and just did the right side path in WoW gauntlet with only science champions. I have 15 points right now. I have the left side path to finish and the science objective to complete. Given this how many more points can I expect to get after I complete the left path? I want to know if it’s worth doing the left path. If I’m not going to make it to 18 points then I think there’s no point in doing the left path.
I would appreciate the help.
1 for the science objective and 1 for the path
So 17 🌚