BG Solo Rank Rewards

SuperChubbies7SuperChubbies7 Member Posts: 27
Haven’t really worried about placement in past but with this season having solid rewards. What score would be needed to get in Top 5000? Couldn’t find previous scores from similar events with better rewards.


  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 398 ★★★
    8 trillion points.

    Seriously though, aim for a few 100,000 over top rewards. I know I'm not pushing anymore once I hit gladiator circuit and the top earnable rewards and I'm sure a lot of people will feel the same.
  • SuperChubbies7SuperChubbies7 Member Posts: 27
    Yea I’m not trying to go crazy but I had a ton of elders mark built up. I just got into GC and sitting at 500k in pts. So was just wondering. Appreciate feedback. Prob just sit tight where I’m at and use it as reference for next time they have solid rewards again.
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