Vailliant without necropolis

Thank you Kabam for this store with the Polie.
With the offers I was able to become valiant without making the necropolis.
I only needed 2x alpha T4 and 1x class T4. And thanks to the Polie Store, I was finally able to have them.
With my first R3 7* in chapter 8 100 %, I was finally able to become valiant.
But I find it too much disproportionate to compare to the Store of the Paragon.
It's crazy the difference between Paragon and Vaillant.
Thank you Kabam.
With the offers I was able to become valiant without making the necropolis.
I only needed 2x alpha T4 and 1x class T4. And thanks to the Polie Store, I was finally able to have them.
With my first R3 7* in chapter 8 100 %, I was finally able to become valiant.
But I find it too much disproportionate to compare to the Store of the Paragon.
It's crazy the difference between Paragon and Vaillant.
Thank you Kabam.