Battlegrounds MinMaxing

I am at Vibranium 2 currently. After 5 consecutive wins, I'll make it to the Gladiator Circuit. Thing is I don't want to reach GC yet so if I lose with energy and try to win with Elder Mark only to stay in Victory Track, will I get banned?
That's called sandbagging, and it's a bannable offense.
A legit but frustrating way is, just play normally, but lose purposefully. How?
Draft the worst possible attackers and defenders, don't change your deck with 1*s like Groot said, instead just keep your deck as it is but draft your least fav options from the deck. And just play normally, chances are you lose most of the times.
Also how many points you have in solo milestones? Chances to get 5 consecutive wins in vib 2 is very slim, you most probably have to play atleast 20 matches and eventually get the milestones before reaching gc
Also from next season, join a high tier bg ally. I had 6500 EM on start of this season, and I am already at gc with 7500 EM and completed my solo milestones as well. Havin a active bg ally really helps. Also once you stock up max elder marks, you will never get depleted