Need your help: Knull or Gladiator to r3

AddictorAddictor Member Posts: 429 ★★★
edited April 2024 in General Discussion
Both duped, I’m considering future potential, offense and defense as well as prestige. Who do you think is the better option?

Need your help: Knull or Gladiator to r3 42 votes

FuskieMarouenLickyLops 4 votes
CyborgNinja135captain_rogersItsClobberinTimeAzenstarMusha27JinxEternityUltragamerI_tell_no_tales_1Guest120193746239Emilia90JustsomefoolDenic_2580Legend_WriterThatboiCarl 14 votes
Duped Hyperion
TJ107Justcause102Ayden_noah1AngusMac279Powerofpain1001Ioniqus_797Tsuyoshi_Senpaidee_jay5OakenshieldCyrillFromTulaFrostGiantLord13579rebel_ShivacruxJJMACValheruCvlrPotatoslice500ContestoChampioNemesis_17GrO_ot78 23 votes
Save for serpent
Blahblahblahblah 1 vote


  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    edited April 2024
    Hmmm....I'm in a bit of a similar spot myself. I already have a r3 Gladiator, but I have a cosmic gem I need to use and my other options are awakened Knull (I'd probably take him to sig 80), just pulled Serpent (I have the 6r5a, but I may choose him since I love the champ and I'll eventually awaken), unawakened Sersi, or unawakened Hyperion.

    What sigs are both champs, and how many extra stones can you give them? A sweet spot for Glad is like 50 right now, while Knull is 65 or 78 (take advantage of Inequity). If you have an awakened Hyp, awesome. But if you're factoring in prestige as well, Hyp's def not going to be the bump you want.
  • AddictorAddictor Member Posts: 429 ★★★

    Hmmm....I'm in a bit of a similar spot myself. I already have a r3 Gladiator, but I have a cosmic gem I need to use and my other options are awakened Knull (I'd probably take him to sig 80), just pulled Serpent (I have the 6r5a, but I may choose him since I love the champ and I'll eventually awaken), unawakened Sersi, or unawakened Hyperion.

    What sigs are both champs, and how many extra stones can you give them? A sweet spot for Glad is like 50 right now, while Knull is 65 or 78 (take advantage of Inequity). If you have an awakened Hyp, awesome. But if you're factoring in prestige as well, Hyp's def not going to be the bump you want.

    I guess Gladiator will be my choice eventually. His prestige is the best in here and his damage is insane
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
    I’ve been enjoying him a lot even at r1. Definitely not Knull and saving for serpent isn’t a great idea. He’s a good champ, but I’d never hold out just for that

    Really comes down to Gladiator and Hype. Duped Hype goes crazy, but I haven’t seen much of him other than in MSD’s videos. Since you’re considering prestige too, Glad seems like the best choice
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    I’ve been enjoying him a lot even at r1. Definitely not Knull and saving for serpent isn’t a great idea. He’s a good champ, but I’d never hold out just for that

    Really comes down to Gladiator and Hype. Duped Hype goes crazy, but I haven’t seen much of him other than in MSD’s videos. Since you’re considering prestige too, Glad seems like the best choice

    Lol, why "definitely not" Knull?
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★

    Emilia90 said:

    I’ve been enjoying him a lot even at r1. Definitely not Knull and saving for serpent isn’t a great idea. He’s a good champ, but I’d never hold out just for that

    Really comes down to Gladiator and Hype. Duped Hype goes crazy, but I haven’t seen much of him other than in MSD’s videos. Since you’re considering prestige too, Glad seems like the best choice

    Lol, why "definitely not" Knull?
    Knull is great, but I’d want a lot of sigs on him and I would definitely consider Hype or Glad before him if we’re taking battlegrounds into account
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Emilia90 said:

    I’ve been enjoying him a lot even at r1. Definitely not Knull and saving for serpent isn’t a great idea. He’s a good champ, but I’d never hold out just for that

    Really comes down to Gladiator and Hype. Duped Hype goes crazy, but I haven’t seen much of him other than in MSD’s videos. Since you’re considering prestige too, Glad seems like the best choice

    Lol, why "definitely not" Knull?
    Knull is great, but I’d want a lot of sigs on him and I would definitely consider Hype or Glad before him if we’re taking battlegrounds into account
    Ahh, that's fair. I only know my own situation, not OP's. So no clue if they've got stones to spare. Yea, sig 20 isn't exactly the 'best' for BGs sake.
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    Gladiator buff really helped him insane utility and damage now definitely one you should rank up
  • AddictorAddictor Member Posts: 429 ★★★

    Gladiator buff really helped him insane utility and damage now definitely one you should rank up

    I ended up picking him
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