BG ideas

Will start with saying I like BGs for what they are there for in the game. There are parts I don't like but the aim would be to make more people play.
Skill BG
Keeps the mode as is, but takes the roster out of the equasion. May be good for tournaments. Here we draft 5 instead of 7 champs and end up with 2 fights which would also reduce the time. The difference is, both players play the same fights. So imagine player 1 has 7 stars and puts domino in defence then doom in attack, player 2 has 5 stars and puts Nimrod against the domino and hulkling in defence against the doom... Then both players do 5 star Nimrod against 7 star domino then 7 star doom against 5 star hulkling. This relies only on skill and knowledge of the game, will also speed the time it takes to do BGs and great for tournaments.
The scores across the 2 fights are added and the winner determined.
Reverse BG
We choose defenders first then choose attackers after. Idea to keep things fresh would be to do the opposite, pick the attackers first then try and put the worst defender combination for them. Could be annoying but would suggest this as an off season function for fun.
Skill BG
Keeps the mode as is, but takes the roster out of the equasion. May be good for tournaments. Here we draft 5 instead of 7 champs and end up with 2 fights which would also reduce the time. The difference is, both players play the same fights. So imagine player 1 has 7 stars and puts domino in defence then doom in attack, player 2 has 5 stars and puts Nimrod against the domino and hulkling in defence against the doom... Then both players do 5 star Nimrod against 7 star domino then 7 star doom against 5 star hulkling. This relies only on skill and knowledge of the game, will also speed the time it takes to do BGs and great for tournaments.
The scores across the 2 fights are added and the winner determined.
Reverse BG
We choose defenders first then choose attackers after. Idea to keep things fresh would be to do the opposite, pick the attackers first then try and put the worst defender combination for them. Could be annoying but would suggest this as an off season function for fun.