What defender node buffs are you tired of seeing?

Degen/Direct damage---there are not enough champs in the game who are degen immune, to help counter this "working as intended to drain your cash, units, and revives" node.
Mix Master
Degen/Direct damage---there are not enough champs in the game who are degen immune, to help counter this "working as intended to drain your cash, units, and revives" node.
Mix Master
Destructive feedback
Redlining/all those stupid power drain nodes + Langour
When your account gets big enough its much easier to find counters to stupid annoying stuff.
I actually much prefer something like Destructive Feedback, which in some ways works similar to Protection nodes since there are periods where you can and can't do damage, but where you actually have to change how you play. I find that to be a pretty fun node and I had a great time fighting the Kingpin that stood on that node in the current SQ.
But just mindless damage reduction? It's just boring.
If it were just Wars for weeks on end, that would be fine, but also adding it to BGs its overkill.
If it were a generic "XL champs get +15% attack and XS checks get -15% attack" on defense, and on attack Hero champs get +15% attack villain get -15% attack.... it would encourage using the tactic without it being impossible without, have some "dual threat" champs, and the pool of champs would be much larger / wouldn't see the same champs over and over again.
This is pretty much a forced decision, and with a BG deck of 30, your are pretty much forced to use exactly the same 30 champs.
Makes me just want to do 3 fights every 2 days, and not progress to gladiator circuit until the last possible minute (not throwing any fights, just not doing enough to get there)
Tunnel Vision
No retreat
- Root
- Aspect of Nightmares
- No retreat
When opponent takes final hit, you will take damage for each charge on opponent. The worst thing is, these charges expire one at a time, so you cannot avoid it with indestructible effects.
This is the global node of 6.2.5 mordo quest. Kabam be making stupid nodes like this and wonder why we spam Hercules (Like he literally counters everything bout this node haha).
Basically every types of nodes that force players to have a specific playstyle for it