Relic / Rune for Hercules

Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 125
edited April 2024 in General Discussion
Any opinions on which is the best relic AND rune for a 6* Hercules with a sig level 70?
I run balanced synergies and I NEVER run war…. I’m at 8.1.1 in story mode and I run AQ, Arenas and Event Quests….. I occasionally will run incursions…. I was looking for not only the best relic, but the best rune as well…. Any opinions or advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    I use Ms. Marvel relic with Stellar Defender and Crit. Damage Up
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,341 ★★★★★
    This may be of use to you - I refer to it a lot

    I recommends Stellar Defender (auto-block counter) and Crit Damage, as per @jcphillips7 recommendation
  • Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 125
    Thank you both very much.
  • Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 125

    I use Ms. Marvel relic with Stellar Defender and Crit. Damage Up

    How do you get Stellar Defense AND Crit Damage ? It only let me choose one or the other.

  • FolkvangrFolkvangr Member Posts: 267 ★★★

    How do you get Stellar Defense AND Crit Damage ? It only let me choose one or the other.

    Higher rarities have more slots
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,121 ★★★★★

    How do you get Stellar Defense AND Crit Damage ? It only let me choose one or the other.

    Need the 5 or 6* relic.
  • Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 125
    Thank you all…. Makes perfect sense…. I have 3 & 4
    Thanks for a simple explanation guys.
  • Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 125
    The good thing is I got him to Rank 5 Max & I also Ascended him.
    I hope I didn’t mess up…. I like how he fights and everyone said he was worth it.
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★

    The good thing is I got him to Rank 5 Max & I also Ascended him.
    I hope I didn’t mess up…. I like how he fights and everyone said he was worth it.

    He lives up to the hype. Ramped up I’m sure he’ll keep up with r4 7*s (maybe not in battlegrounds?).
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 677 ★★★
    @Kevin30705 he's so solid people (kinda correctly) will call you a slacker for running Herc. he's THAT good. and he ain't gonna be a 7* any time soon. he's one of the 6* analogues to Quake or Magik, never getting released past their 5* selves.
    any resources you drop into him will keep paying off for you for a while to come. enjoy!
  • Kevin30705Kevin30705 Member Posts: 125

    @Kevin30705 he's so solid people (kinda correctly) will call you a slacker for running Herc. he's THAT good. and he ain't gonna be a 7* any time soon. he's one of the 6* analogues to Quake or Magik, never getting released past their 5* selves.
    any resources you drop into him will keep paying off for you for a while to come. enjoy!

    Funny you should say that about Quake & Magik…. I just recently maxed out the 5*’s of both and maxed out their sigs and ascended them…. No regrets at all there.
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