@PT_99@Magrailothos I got 6* cheeilth and I need a strong skill which inflicts bleed for some nodes. Should I upgrade her or massacre?
Massacre, many players are saying they find even 7* cheelith underwhelming
As the owner of a r2 cheeilth, I assure she melts things. Not super fast, but she's nuts especially when you can counter heavies and specials to pause the bleeds.
I haven't been lucky enough to pull Chee'ilth, but reading the Valiant speed run thread by Cantona (top thread) sounds like she's more than good, particularly for bleed.
Nick is clearly a really strong bleed champion; although you really need to run 3-5 points in Deep Wounds.
Masacre is a crazy damage machine, though. He's got long bleeds for bleed nodes; Incinerate that can melt most opponents, and an SP2 that can do crazy block damage. Even if his opponent is immune to Incinerate, they still take bursts of Energy damage (although I don't recommend taking on Human Torch 😉). He's not the greatest for utility; although like Valkyrie, he can bypass a lot of annoying noises and abilities with a hit-into-block playstyle.
Masacre has one big advantage of doing everything straight out of the box: no Awakening, no Sig Stones, no relics or Masteries required.
If you want just one champion, Masacre will fill a lot of roles, and is intensely fun to play. But Fury is strong, and so is Chee'ilth.
The best thing I can recommend is: all these champions will put in work for you. They'll all do decent damage, plus a variety of other things. Just pick the one you enjoy playing most, and don't worry about whether another option would have been 'better'.
I haven't been lucky enough to pull Chee'ilth, but reading the Valiant speed run thread by Cantona (top thread) sounds like she's more than good, particularly for bleed.
Nick is clearly a really strong bleed champion; although you really need to run 3-5 points in Deep Wounds.
Masacre is a crazy damage machine, though. He's got long bleeds for bleed nodes; Incinerate that can melt most opponents, and an SP2 that can do crazy block damage. Even if his opponent is immune to Incinerate, they still take bursts of Energy damage (although I don't recommend taking on Human Torch 😉). He's not the greatest for utility; although like Valkyrie, he can bypass a lot of annoying noises and abilities with a hit-into-block playstyle.
Masacre has one big advantage of doing everything straight out of the box: no Awakening, no Sig Stones, no relics or Masteries required.
If you want just one champion, Masacre will fill a lot of roles, and is intensely fun to play. But Fury is strong, and so is Chee'ilth.
The best thing I can recommend is: all these champions will put in work for you. They'll all do decent damage, plus a variety of other things. Just pick the one you enjoy playing most, and don't worry about whether another option would have been 'better'.
Thanks, you convinced me to go with massacre. I'll pick doom and cgr
But try to upgrade redguardian of science also.
From skill choose Mascara Valkyrie
Tech - Warlock as 7*, Guardian as 6*
Science - Mr Fantastic or Quicksilver for utility; or Red Guardian for burst damage
For tech warlock
For skill Masacre or Valykrie(best duped)
Not super fast, but she's nuts especially when you can counter heavies and specials to pause the bleeds.
Nick is clearly a really strong bleed champion; although you really need to run 3-5 points in Deep Wounds.
Masacre is a crazy damage machine, though. He's got long bleeds for bleed nodes; Incinerate that can melt most opponents, and an SP2 that can do crazy block damage. Even if his opponent is immune to Incinerate, they still take bursts of Energy damage (although I don't recommend taking on Human Torch 😉). He's not the greatest for utility; although like Valkyrie, he can bypass a lot of annoying noises and abilities with a hit-into-block playstyle.
Masacre has one big advantage of doing everything straight out of the box: no Awakening, no Sig Stones, no relics or Masteries required.
If you want just one champion, Masacre will fill a lot of roles, and is intensely fun to play. But Fury is strong, and so is Chee'ilth.
The best thing I can recommend is: all these champions will put in work for you. They'll all do decent damage, plus a variety of other things. Just pick the one you enjoy playing most, and don't worry about whether another option would have been 'better'.
Tech - Red skull or infamous iron-man
Skill- Masacre or thor