This big guy ,one of the greatest Mcoc champ nobody talks and only a few have...

Never seen Rhino on BG.
I do remember one Sidequest or Chapter that Rhino was near impossible to defeat.
The horn in front of him was a real menace. How to inflict damage with that pointed to you?
If he appears on a 6 Nexus Crystal will be my choice ,no matter the others could be.
This big guy ,one of the greatest Mcoc champ nobody talks and only a few have... 53 votes
My best Rhino is a 6 stars 😎
41 votes
My best Rhino is a 5 stars 😁
6 votes
My best Rhino is a 4 stars 🙄
3 votes
My best Rhino is a 3 stars 🥺
0 votes
I only have Rhino 2 stars 😭
1 vote
Kabam, give me Rhino or... "Bycott"
2 votes
Sometimes you have a champ 4 stars and he is better ranked by you than a new 5 👍
The rest of us would rather save resources on better champs. Unless the node forces you to remain far away from Rhino, he is no the number of people who countrr unstoppable now is much more.
Rhino was my first 6* 🥵
Great intercept champ, but thats about it 😅
Why not invest more on your 6???
Or send as a gift to me 🥺
In "Fight at Joe's", these two nodes basically make Rhino (and Juggernaut, although this was released before his buff) the best champ in the game.
I pulled these guys ⬇️ yesterday…they are both going R5 when i’m done exploring act 8…10 paths left 🥵
But, i will send you hope and positive energy…and i hope you pull a lot of Rhinos 🙏🏼