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Fintech’s Mojo Challenge

Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,511 ★★★★★
I know it’s been out for a little while now, but I thought I’d make a little guide/share my experience with this challenge

R4 6* Mojo (sig 183)
R1 7* Mojo (unduped)
5* Mojo who was just happy to be there
Max boosted

Hercules: Super easy fight with the 6*. This is where I quickly learned how good the sig ability is, because if you intercept him and complete your prompts, he just melts. Deals with Zero to Hero very well and you can heal up from the infuriate

Havok: Another fairly simple fight. Bait sp2 and heavies, and make sure to parry for the armor up and hit him regularly to avoid being armor broken. The 7* was hot garbage here and barely put a dent in him, while the 6* melted him nicely. 1 revive

Warlock: The 7* was super useful here. Took off WP and maxed my attack with the mastery resets being free and went to town. Lots of intercepting here but it isn’t too bad. This Warlock AI was infinitely more cooperative than the last time I tried with Tigra, so it was decently fun. He still threw sp1’s sometimes and light intercepted me once, but he’s not too bad. 2 revives

Nick Fury: Lots of MD here, but also a lot of block damage. You’re cooked if he throws an sp1 and you’re cooked if he won’t throw heavies. I forgot to turn WP back on which cost me a revive, but it was an ok fight aside from that. 6* Mojo cooked here with his degens, but the AI light intercepted me multiple times here and threw sp1’s into my block. 3 revives

Modok: Up until Nick, I thought this challenge was fairly fun and not as bad as I thought it’d be. This is where that changed. I don’t even know where to start with this guy. Mojo hits like a toddler here, it’s hard to complete prompts, his dash is weird and easy to get clipped by, and he would sometimes idle and throw a heavy as I dashed in. I know the unblockable makes him hyper aggressive which was nice, but it’s still a slow and annoying fight. I would say that a cooperative AI would make this fight much easier or not that bad, but I wouldn’t bank on this game ever having cooperative AI so just be prepared here lmao. 6 revives

Blade: Another boring fight. His specials are unblockable so you have to bait a million sp1’s, he regens on block (which he loves to abuse) so he’ll just turtle up and regen a couple percent back whenever he feels like it, and your power is constantly drained. If you complete prompts and get the degen up, he does melt, and this fight isn’t bs or anything. Just be prepared for a slog, especially if he chooses to regen a lot and not throw sp1’s. He backed me into the corner multiple times because he wouldn’t throw the sp1. 2 revives

Terrax: Kind of a breath of fresh air in the second half. Intercept a lot to get the fury and you’ll hit pretty hard, push him above a bar after rock field to stop the damage you’ll take, and use specials to deal with special delivery. If he turtles up it can be hard to push him above a bar, but he’s not bad at all. 2 revives

Dragon Man: You're at the mercy of the AI here again. Can’t parry or you’ll degen, Mojo deals with the unstoppable after a bit, but he also goes unblockable every couple seconds. The AI was being a genius here and would throw the sp2 right before the unblockable came back, so the second hit (the flames) couldn’t be blocked and you’ll take a lot of incinerate damage if you don’t dex it. He can also just throw an sp3 in an instant if he feels like it, but my AI here wasn’t too bad. I had a great attempt where I got him down around 50-60% with 6* Mojo, but I also had attempts where he’d go unblockable before his sp2 and cook Mojo. 3 or 4 revives here I think? I wasn’t fully keeping track and I forgot how many lv2 revs I started with so it’s either 3 or 4 here (or I misattributed one along the way) but the total spent still remains the same

Total (approximate) revive spendage: 6 lv1 revives, 4 team revives, and either 9-10 lv2 revives for a total of 19-20 revives used. Lots and lots of potions also went into this challenge because Mojo’s really needs it due to his low block proficiency

Super glad I brought the 6* because the 7* unduped wasn’t cooking that much. He was still good for Warlock, Modok, and Terrax where the degen doesn’t matter, but the 6* carried for the other fights

Overall this challenge was alright. Spent a lot less that I expected which was great, but I didn’t really enjoy some of the second half. The first half was actually pretty good and then Modok just ruins the experience


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    MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Posts: 1,038 ★★★★
    I found that modok was easy if you give him unblockable, and then slowly chip him down. I did the challenge in 1 rev (warlock) with r5 ascended mojo but was down at like 2 percent a couple of times. The warlock is all RNG
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    Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Posts: 230 ★★★
    Quality forum content! Way to go, my man.
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,511 ★★★★★

    Quality forum content! Way to go, my man.

    Thanks! I like doing these write ups so I hope they end up helping someone out
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,511 ★★★★★

    I found that modok was easy if you give him unblockable, and then slowly chip him down. I did the challenge in 1 rev (warlock) with r5 ascended mojo but was down at like 2 percent a couple of times. The warlock is all RNG

    I found that modok was easy if you give him unblockable, and then slowly chip him down. I did the challenge in 1 rev (warlock) with r5 ascended mojo but was down at like 2 percent a couple of times. The warlock is all RNG

    I thought his AI was way too unpredictable. Sometimes he’d dash back when his autoblock triggered and use a light. The random heavies that you can’t react to were annoying too lol
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    I enjoy seeing players experiences with stuff like this, but at the same time this is the type of read that's disheartening to myself. I'm still chipping away at exploring the last bit of Act 7, strictly for the sig stones so I can finally take BW and Thor to max sig for Avengers Challenge which gets me the last Zemo to do KM's challenge. But then I'll still have Fintech's and apparently I need a high sig/high rank Mojo now?? I have the 7* but he's unawakened, so I guess that won't do me a lick of good.

    By the time I have every champ to where they need to be for these challenges without making them priority to rank NOW, I don't even know if these challenges will be worth the effort by then lol.
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,511 ★★★★★

    I enjoy seeing players experiences with stuff like this, but at the same time this is the type of read that's disheartening to myself. I'm still chipping away at exploring the last bit of Act 7, strictly for the sig stones so I can finally take BW and Thor to max sig for Avengers Challenge which gets me the last Zemo to do KM's challenge. But then I'll still have Fintech's and apparently I need a high sig/high rank Mojo now?? I have the 7* but he's unawakened, so I guess that won't do me a lick of good.

    By the time I have every champ to where they need to be for these challenges without making them priority to rank NOW, I don't even know if these challenges will be worth the effort by then lol.

    The 7* helps a lot, it’s just much slower and leaves a lot of room for error. There are 3 fights where it doesn’t matter at all imo. Warlock was done with the 7* unduped which seemed more ideal with the block prof stat focus, Modok is just a lot of intercepting and playing around the AI, and the same goes for Terrax. Herc shouldn’t be a problem, thought the fight will be slower, and Blade would just be a very very slow fight

    I’d say that the fights that it really matters for are Havok, Nick, and DM. Havok has the node where you gain the armor, but he can turtle up at times and you can get the armor break/he can go to sp3. The 6* was nuking him down so much quicker than the 7* was, and while you could theoretically solo, I’d say that you’d need a lot of AI cooperation. Nick also has a lot of AI shenanigans and you want to kill him as quickly as possible to reduce the chance of some sp1 bs and his AI goes god mode with the intercepts. DM is a massive pain and has a lot of luck involved. If you get a bad AI you’re dead to an sp3 or unblockable sp2. 6* Mojo was killing him a lot faster

    7* is totally viable unduped, just even more of a slog on certain fights and a lot more to worry about since you’re not doing as much damage. I’d say to invest in the 6* to a r4 level cause he was killing it
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,632 ★★★★★
    How you got the motivation to continue even after that modok?

    I went in, had a pleasant experience until modok, and after wasting revives on modok I quitted. I don't wanna break my phone lol.
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,955 ★★★★★
    Congrats! In reality, you could probably do it without the 7* Mojo as long as you have the 6* awakened, yeah?

    I could be waiting ages to get my hands on a 7* mojo.
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,511 ★★★★★

    How you got the motivation to continue even after that modok?

    I went in, had a pleasant experience until modok, and after wasting revives on modok I quitted. I don't wanna break my phone lol.

    Funnily enough I did that when I first attempted the Tigra challenge. Soloed Herc, Havok, and Nick and only used one revive on Warlock, and then quit on Modok cause I didn’t know about the proper strategy to fight him lol. Wasted like 7 revives

    It’s a frustrating slow fight with Mojo, but you just have to pray for the AI being somewhat decent. Get him into unblockable, make sure you can dex the sp1, and keep intercepting. If you get hit by a random heavy or light intercept, it’s joever
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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,511 ★★★★★

    Congrats! In reality, you could probably do it without the 7* Mojo as long as you have the 6* awakened, yeah?

    I could be waiting ages to get my hands on a 7* mojo.

    Oh yeah for sure. The 6* pulled most of the weight. A r5 ascended would kill it here
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