Get a kid and give him some candies tell them how many of each colour to select, job done. Or if you got a jobless homie you can just pay them 5 bucks for the same effect
Autoclicker for selecting ISO? I think that may get you an autoban causing you to automatically lose your account which leads to automatic breakup like breaking up in a relationship with your girlfriend or wife.
Get a kid and give him some candies tell them how many of each colour to select, job done. Or if you got a jobless homie you can just pay them 5 bucks for the same effect
so... instead break the terms and conditions getting someone else to use your account lol?
If OP were Free to play... paying $5 would also turn him into a guppy... the first step down the road to becoming a whale.
So for everybody saying "omfg you can't get somebody else to do it or it's against the tos, wahh wahh" I mean, Jesus.... it's nothing worse than getting your partner or animal to hit a button to open a crystal, lmfao Get over it.
"I give my phone to my niece/nephew/son/daughter/minions to open and select ISOs for me and the next thing I know they 100% Necropolis, please unbanned me"
Or if you got a jobless homie you can just pay them 5 bucks for the same effect
If OP were Free to play... paying $5 would also turn him into a guppy... the first step down the road to becoming a whale.
Get over it.
"I give my phone to my niece/nephew/son/daughter/minions to open and select ISOs for me and the next thing I know they 100% Necropolis, please unbanned me"