Which way is better to reach thone breaker?

DIETYDIETY Member Posts: 108
edited May 2024 in General Discussion
I turned cav few weeks ago and was holding myself to do any story progression ( so I am at 6.2.1) and with the new way to reach thonebreaker I can't which way will be better or easier, right now I don't even know what materials are needed to r4 a 6* . Can someone help me with this problem , I do have a decent roster where I can r4 some champs and I do have 2 basic 6* and 3 6* Nexus from which I am expecting something decent .


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,756 ★★★★★
    Just complete 6.4 . Getting 5 6* champs to r4 takes a lotta time
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