Finally Valiant But Need Help !!

Finally achieved the Valiant Milestone.
The Mutant additions are good enough as completion rewards.
The question here is I have Skill and Science Gem for R3. Who should I chose?
I am not at all able to see through Skill class rank up. please guide a bit.
@Ayden_noah1 @FrostGiantLord @peixemacaco This ones for you guys!! Thanks a ton.
I figured you had already become valiant. As the title read "FINALLY VALIANT BUT NEED HELP !!" and the first line was "Finally achieved the Valiant Milestone"...
Dear Bros, I took a gamble on the 650k Science Class selector crystal instead of 900k offer and got thus one!!
I think it paid off dearly. Thank God. Ranking her up now instead of overseer.
So Happy to see atleast one gem being properly utilized. Have Shuri and Onslaught too but they can't wouldn't even go to R3 with T4A as I would miss one more and the T6C for Mutant and Tech are 3 more needed. So I thought let's take a faith's leap on the class selector and see if science is atleast going to go down to someone rankable.
I'll go with BC and titty. 🎉
Happy you got Titania, but Morbius ain’t bad…150k sp2, if they bleed, is pretty good imo.